Looking for a pregnancy buddy!

You don't look fat at all! You both look very trim infact.I have to admit Im not keen on being ill as ibuprofen works wonders for me for pain relief & you cant take it when pregnant :( Im 38 weeks next sat Jenn,my eldest sons bday tomorrow & daughters bday next sun shes having 5 teenage friends sleeping over for movies & takeaway so going into labour isn't really an option yet lol
I can't believe your 38 weeks next Saturday!!! Nearly baby time! Seeing as the decision to have a sweep is yours you can decide not to have it til after the sleepover. Doubt they would do it at the weekend and wouldn't want to do it before 38 weeks so I'd imagine it would be during the week. Your pregnancy seems to have flown in! Maybe not for you tho ;)
Gorgeous ladies with gorgeous bumps! I can't wait til I start showing but I doubt it will be anytime soon. I'm starting to feel a little better, seem to pick up every sniffle at the min and like you say, can't take anything for it!
Wow! Fab bump pics!! I do love a bump pic:D

You can take paracetomol if you aren't feeling well, add a hot water with honey and lemon for good measure - I would have added a slug of brandy pre pregnacy lol

its my bday tomorrow and OH has booked us a weekend in Cornwall at the hotel we want to get married in AND he has arranged for us to meet with the hotels wedding co-ordinator - big brownie points for him! So we will more than likely have our wedding date set this weekend!! Woohoo!!x
booked into see midwife on the 16th feb so prob have sweep then depending how I feel on the day they aren't the most comfortable of things lol Your husband is a gem Missy Happy Birthday :) xx
Happy Birthday Missy, what a lovely treat for you!

Hope everyone's well, I have the flu and feel absolutely awful, luckily bump seems to be active so that's reassuring at least :(
Hi Everyone

I disappeared for a while as got struck by the most hideous chest infection. I was very scared as literally couldn't breathe. Got straight into Dr's and they gave me amoxicillin, ventolin inhaler and steroids. But even though I kept asking, the Dr and the pharmacist just kept saying the benefits outweigh the risks with pregnancy but no-one would tell me what the risks were. Steroids scare me non pregnant and with being 1st trimester, I really didn't want to put baby at any risk. I ended up calling 111 as I was just getting worse and didn't want to end up in hospital but didn't want to take anything. Anyway, 111 were fantastic and I took the amoxicillin and the ventolin but not the steroids. I think I'm now on the mend. But even more anxious for my scan to see the little dude / dudette. I still feel VERY 1st trimester-y so am taking that as a positive.

Am booking in with midwife this afternoon so let's see what's said about my BMI.

Bumps look amazing ladies, can't wait to get my bump back!
Oh Nicki, sorry to hear you've been ill. The chest infection sounds incredibly scary and I'm glad you got some reassurance about the meds, I hate it when medical professionals don't explain things and expect us to just blindly follow their advice.

Good luck with your booking in appt, I have a much higher BMI than you and the midwife was lovely so I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Let us know how you get on!
oh Nicki sounds awful.last thing you need its such a worrying time as it is first trimester.Hope the booking in goes well & you get your scan date today :) x
Ah thanks ladies!

Chest feels much better now thank goodness. Booking in was fine - I am referred to a consultant but not for my BMI. Some family medical history just needs to be checked, same as last time - I think they will probably sign me off again quite quickly as nothing changed since last time. Scan date will come in the post in next week!

Feels good to be in the system!
Glad you're feeling much better. I have an appointment next week to see a consultant (at least I think it is...it's as clear as mud) due to a mix of BMI and family medical history. It does feel good once you're finally in the system, the first trimester seems to be a lot of waiting and worrying. Hope you get your scan date quickly!
Hi ladies

Hope you don't mind me jumping on this post! I am 17 weeks pregnant and had my first weigh in today. Lost 1 1/2 lbs just wondering what peoples losses are like, I know you are not really supposed to be loosing weight as such but I am out of healthy bmi :0(

Feel a bit disappointed as I was eating rubbish from 14 weeks as my morning sickness went so thought I may have lost more my first week

Hello Chocolate!!

Im 17 weeks this week, and have put on 8lbs but I was close to a healthy BMI before I got pregnant. There is no harm in loosing weight whilst pregnant if you are very overweight and as long as you eat healthily - SW is perfect for this!
I am still incorporating 4 gym classes a week and feel better for doing so, maybe you could try swimming/walking if you aren't a gym lover.
You have made a great start and good luck with keeping at it - oh and congratulations!!xx
Aww thanks for replying. My bmi is just over 27 it was 26 something at my 12 week appointment so my few weeks of pigging out has taken it's toll. I am still exercising I use my treadmill but after 2 months off due to morning sickness I am slowing getting back into it ( used to run 3 x a week approx 6 miles)

Thanks again

Amy x
Your BMI was same as mine when I got pregnant - it's hard seeing it going back up isn't it? Well done on the running, I am rubbish at running!! I do 2x spin and 2 x body pump per week and that's enough for me at the mo, hoping to carry on all the way through if I can x
How's everyone doing? I'm finally recovered from the flu, don't want to ever feel like that again!

Took the boys pram shopping today as the schools are off and we ordered this...


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Lovely pram Jenn :) My kids have 2 more days at school then week off might actually be handy if baby arrives in half term as not sure I can handle many more school runs walking like you have a bowling ball between your legs isn't much fun lol.Took my pushchair out the box just to check its all as it should be & got to admit I don't like it :( The front seat is just too shallow but guess it will have to do! Will have to get him walking everywhere bless him, starting to worry now the effect the newborn will have on him as never had 2 this close together before!Tell me he will be ok lol x
How close is the gap?

My first 2 there was only 16 months between them, it was hard work but I loved it! They are so close now, in fact all our boys are really close and they love having each other around (99%) and miss each other when ones not here.