Looking for a pregnancy buddy!

We're having a girl!!


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oh my goodness Jenn congratulations to you & your family what lovely news xxxxxxx
Great news Jenn!! Congrats!!

I would love to find out what we are having, but OH wants a surprise, we already have 2 girls, but I think he would love a boy, just to even up the numbers a bit!!xx
Happy new year everyone! How are you all doing?

I've been completely AWOL as I've had a super busy Christmas and everything's getting back to normal. I'm 10 weeks tomorrow and have the MW coming to make a home visit (does anyone else have these?). I have my scan in 2 weeks which I'm really excited about.

Food wise has been terrible...I've put on a fair few pounds over the festive period but I'm ready to get back to SW. I really miss it when I'm off plan. I'm still battling with constant nausea and tiredness - don't know how you other mums do it, especially with other kids to look after.

Has anyone got any idea for bland snacks I can have to keep the nausea at bay? Preferably low syn/free.
Hi Daisy, I have Alpen lights/ryvitas/a slice of nimble with sliced banana/hex b of cereal when I want a plain snack. I try to go for these first, failing that a bag of quavers or skips!x

Trying to get back on track after xmas is blimmin difficult!! Yesterday I did an hour of body pump and kept pretty much to plan food wise.

Today im going for a red day:
Brekkie: 2 slices eggy bread (hex b) with bacon, coffee with milk (hex a and 1 sugar - 1 syn)

Lunch: chicken salad with small jacket (hex b)

Dinner: Slow cooked lamb shanks with garlic, rosemary and red wine (3 syns) served with carrot and swede mash & broccoli

Snacks: Raspberries, yoghurt, quavers (4 syns) another coffee (1 syn) and plenty of water

Exercise: 45 min spin class

Really want to try and stick to this today, and get this xmas gain off before it sticks lol xx
it is really difficult isn't it!! Feeling envious reading all the new start diaries on the sw forum & a couple friends joined group last night all raring to go & knowing my weight will be going up not down makes me feel uneasy :( Had a good day on green plan yest but kept waking up from 1am,shame that I go into a much deeper sleep when im scoffing junk food! Joined minimins this day last year convinced id be at target by now lol moan over Ive got a very precious baby son soon to be born :) xx
Hi All
Just found out I'm expecting No 2. I have a little boy who just turned 2 and I am due 9th September.

I put on 3 stone with my boy and only lost 1.5 stone of it, mainly due to luck rather than good eating. I have been disgusting since getting pregnant with him. Been following SW at home since Monday and have eaten the best I have in years so feeling quite fired up. I would love to lose my baby weight in next 7 weeks and then not gain but realise that is pushing it!

Feel really nervous about this pregnancy and not registered it with GP yet - feels like tempting fate somehow. I know that's silly. With my first, I couldn't wait to get registered etc so I could make it seem real.

Have been lucky so far symptom wise, I 'm tired and feel nauseous but no actual sickness so far.

Hoping to jump on the Buddy wagon?
Welcome Nicki and congratulations!

I'm so tired today! I've done the school run, bathed my 1 year old, 2 loads of washing and then basically say on my bum, while Gregors played. Fed him lunch put him down for his nap and while he slept I did nothing!!! Feel guilty but boys home at 3 and won't stop til Dh gets in at 6. Only 16+4 and dreading the further on I get if im so tired now!
Also hoping to jump on the buddy wagon!! Just found out I'm pregnant due around 12th September will be my third this time round I'm classed as an older mum
welcome to you & congratulations :) Sounds like we are all in the same boat & hoping to keep weight gain to a minimum during pregnancy lol.If your tired Jenn its fine to do nothing its what your body is telling you! You will prob have more energy around 20 weeks :) Have you got over the shock of having a baby girl yet? xx
Congratulations summer!

Tamkat I really only think the shock is wearing off today! It's taken 5 days to get my head around it. Which is really strange, as I so wanted a little girl I just never thought it'd happen to us x
Congratulations to all the new BFPs!

How are we all getting on? I've managed to stick to plan so far this week and feel quite pleased with myself. Hopefully I can carry it on at the weekend as that's the time when I struggle most.

I have my 12 week scan in just under 2 weeks now...it can't come quick enough!
Thanks for the welcome - was going to say the same about resting.

I had a great 1st pregnancy, partly I think to the amount of time I sat around resting and stroking my bump. I don't know how I'm going to cope running round after T, let alone having 6 others!

I've eaten better this week than I have since I got my BFP with my boy almost 3 years ago and I feel really inspired. I realise I only have about 7 weeks for good weight loss before tri 2. A sneaky peak this morning and it looks like I've shifted Christmas almost so that's good!

My BMI is currently a fraction over 35 and I am terrified they will put me under consultant care etc. I'm so angry at myself for not dealing with this sooner. I know SW works so why didn't I do something before now??????????? My partner is amazing and a great Daddy and totally supportive - except about my weight. It's the only thing we argue about. He gets so frustrated because I get so upset and he worries about my health etc. So if they put me under consultant care he will be unbearable! Am hoping I can reduce the BMI a bit before booking in and then plead my case. I know I can't get to a healthy weight and I know they have to take precautions but I wasn't consultant led with my first and I was about BMI 32 then.

Anyway.......... how's everyone else doing?

I've got chocolate philadelphia coming in the shopping tonight and am saving some syns and a HEB to have some on fruit ryvita. Can't believe only 2 weeks ago I was excited about a Friday night bottle of prosecco! How quickly we change.
aww I thinks its lovely Jenn all those big brothers to protect her,some female company for you & shopping for pink :) Love my boys but I miss all the girly clothes etc...from my daughter 13 yrs ago! I wouldn't worry too much nicki about consultant care ive had to be because of polycystic kidneys & its just extra scans really so not too bad & im sure if you are mindful of your eating you can lose some before your apt,I really miss my bottles of Prosecco they had so many deals on at xmas that I missed out on! xx Hi Daisy ooh not long before your scan well done for being good this week I tend to go off plan at weekends too but 5 days out of 7 should still see you lose or maintain xx
Nicki - you can be under consultant care due to various reasons so I wouldn't worry too much. I will be due to my BMI but I would have been anyway due to my medical history. I wish I'd taken the opportunity in the first few weeks to really focus on eating well but DH and I celebrated a bit too much and I'm 10 weeks now and trying to lose the result of Xmas and celebrating!

Thanks tamkat. I am going to meal plan the heck out of this weekend and allow myself a few small treats to use my syns. I miss Prosecco too but g&ts even more so!

As I think most of you here are experience Mums, can you tell me what to expect at my first scan? I've opted for the screening for Down's Syndrome and I have no idea what will happen or when I will know the results.

Hope you all have a lovely Friday night :)
The scan will be take a bit longer to get the Down syndrome screening, there trying to take a measurement behind the baby's neck. Hopefully baby will be in a good position for it. Then you'll get some bloods taken. You usually hear with 7-10 days x
they will measure the nuchal fold area back of babies neck & take bloods, when I was low risk I had no call & results in the post a few days later,when I was high risk I had a phonecall the same day as nuchal fold was above 3.5mm xx
Hi ladies! Can I join in? I'm currently 19 weeks (due 4th June) with my first and have been piling on weight so far :( I have been eating ridiculously so it's to be expected, and I'm really feeling it. I want the second half of my pregnancy to be healthier for both me and baby. I know it's too late for losing and that's fine (just has to be!) but I really want to get the gain under some sort of control! I have just done my online shop and have planned my meals for the week. Would love to share in the experiences (both baby and SW related!) with you all :)
Welcome scotminx and congratulations! I'm due the 20th of June but will be induced at 37 weeks.