Looking for a pregnancy buddy!

think some people are just FEEDERS and like to push food on to folk lol.

How is everyone feeling today? I had a rough night sleep, woke for a pee around half one and took forever to get back to sleep. Then when I did I had awful dreams about being kidnapped and kept as a slave and then a man chasing me through a forest with an axe when I tried to escape!! It's going to be a long day at work today!

Back registered at slimming world and was nice to be in the meeting last night chatting with everyone and hearing how people are doing. My consultant gave me a form to get signed at my next midwife appointment and said that if I follow EE then the only change is that I should have two healthy A choices and two healthy B choices.

So good to go today! Plan is weetabix and banana for breakfast (A & B). Pasta and bolognaise for lunch (sauce with passatta, onions, peppers and mushrooms). Dinner will be cottage pie with lots of veg in it, topped with sweet potato and cheese (A). Snacks will be wholemeal toast (B) with jam (syns), apple, muller light, satsumas and options hot chocolate (sys plus left over milk allowance from breakfast).

Sounds like LOADS!! lol.
Morning Bluebox

i feel yucky today and super tired, think it's all starting to catch up with me so going to take it easy today and just have a walk into town and maybe a nap too lol

your food looks great!! I'm having scrambled egg with 1 slice wm toast for breakfast plus 1 Alpen light, egg fried rice with loads of veg for lunch and duck in plum sauce with noodles for dinner. Snacks with be fruit, quavers and mini choc buttons, will use hex a in coffee and for an ovaltine before bed - my current obsession!!
have a good day xxx
Bluebox that's a fantastic menu. Sorry about your nightmares and being unable to get back to sleep. I've had the same recently and it really takes it out of you the next day.

Missy Sorry you feel yuck. I dont think the weather helps at all. Love the sound of the duck.

I woke up this morning feeling pants...got a bit of a cold on top of the tiredness so feeling sorry for myself lol. Today I've got an apple, satsumas and Pasta-n-sauce for lunch, dinner is ham and pea risotto and I will have weetabix and banana for my HEs before bed. Total syns: 6. Probably not the best menu but I'm not letting myself feel too guilty.

Are you all ready for Christmas? I'm putting the tree up tonight which I'm excited about. Love the thought that next Christmas we will have a little baby :D
Daisy I think your menu sounds good :) Sorry to hear you aren't feeling great, there are loads of people at work full of cold at the moment so I am desperately trying to avoid it. I've only ever once had proper flu but at my midwife appointment my midwife told me to get booked straight in for a flu shot. Did you ladies have one too?

Missy - Hope you managed to take it easy and got that nap (a nap sounds soooooo good right now lol). I am so missing scambled eggs. I only like them very soft and a little undercooked so I have just had to avoid them for now.
I've never had a flu jab with previous pregnancies and won't with this one, it's all about the NHS hitting targets set for them - my surgery phoned me and told me my 3 year old needed one! Some peoples kids have been really ill with them and I would rather not go through that with my LO. Xx
My mum has them every year as she is diabetic but I've never been offered one before or for my kids. I got the shot a couple of weeks ago and was absolutely fine with it, but I have heard that it only protects against one strain of flu and there are many strains and because they can evolve / mutate the shot doesn't provide too much help. Not sure how true that is but had it anyway!
That's interesting bluebox didn't realise you could have 2 each of healthy ex on ee,thought that was just when breatfeeding.Might have a few ee days instead of green :) Did your consultant say you would lose weight doing this or maintain? x
Blimey I didn't know about the flu jab only preventing 1 strain. I've got asthma so always offered it but never have it. I'm not sure whether to have it now I'm pregnant. I've read it shouldn't cause any flu-like symptoms as it's a dead vaccine rather than an active one but I suppose it depends whether you have a reaction.
When I got it I asked if it can make you feel ropey but like you mentioned, the nurse said it's not a live vaccine so it wouldn't and I felt fine. My arm was a little bit sore, a little lump and just felt like a bruise. I couldn't say if there was actually a bruise as I have lots of tattoo's and it was done where i have a tattoo and couldn't tell lol.
Glad to hear you weren't unwell with the flu jab Bluebox. Love that you couldn't tell if you bruised...what are your tattoos? I have 2 and was planning another before I got BFP! I will ask the midwife about it when I book in on 23rd.

Does anyone have any home remedies to shift a cough? I'm suffering a bit today as the coughing is making me feel sick.

How's the weather where everyone else is? I'm in West Yorkshire and it keeps changing from howling winds and hail to bright and sunny.
Daisy - I don't think there are any remedies to shift a cough but you could try some hot water with honey and lemon juice to soothe your throat?

Weather down here is cold, icy rain today - not my favourite type of weather!!

No exercise today for me, went to Torquay to get a few birthday presents and to get my eyebrows threaded, back home now to get on with housework.
Foodwise today I have had a Costa skinny Chai Latte and a Flapjack for breakfast (nice to have a treat!) lunch is prawn salad sandwich, grapes and diet coke and dinner is butternut,sage and bacon risotto with parmesan, not sure what im doing for snacks yet but reckon the flapjack used up most of my syns lol

Have a good day xx

Here's three of my tattoo's. I have a few more but no photos of them. It was the owl that meant I couldn't see if there was a bruise lol. I need to get the owl finished, I had it part done just as I conceived so will wait until after baby for it finishing.

Where are you in West Yorkshire Daisy? I live in Lower Wortley in Leeds and work in Featherstone x
Oh and about the cough.....run vicks vapur rub on the soles of your feet and put warm socks on. It really works, or it did for me!! I was up at 2am one time coughing, it was one of those really horrible tickly annoying coughs and I was searching the internet for remedies and came across that. I thought well I don't have anything to lose. Rubbed the stuff on and 5 minutes later stopped coughing. I thought it was a fluke but when the coughing returned the next morning tried it again and I stopped coughing for a few hours!! It's worth a try hun x

Missy, what is it like having eyebrows threaded? I always go for waxing and it stung like mad last week when I had it done. I wonder if being pregnant can make you more sensetive to things like that?
I will try the honey and lemon in hot water, thanks for the tip Missy. Does getting your eyebrows threaded hurt? I usually pluck them or get them waxed when they grow wild lol.

Your tattoos are gorgeous Bluebox. I love seeing other people's ink! I've got a rose on my foot and a Queen of Hearts symbol on my wrist as me and hubby got married in Vegas in September. You're pretty local, I live in a little village between Halifax and Huddersfield.

The tip about the vicks is a miracle...I will slather my feet in the stuff before bed and hopeful will have a full night sleep.
Morning Ladies!
daisy - how are you feeling today? I've got 2 feeling poorly here at the mo. My 3 year old has a cough that she has picked up from nursery, and OH has runny nose, headache etc. Glad they have it now though, should be gone in a couple of days and hopefully nice and healthy for Xmas.
Re: threading, it's great! It doesn't hurt and gives my brows a really good shape, there are only 2 places to get it done down here but it is v popular, I would defo recommend x

Todays plan is:
1 hour body pump
brekkie - Apple and Alpen light, lunch bacon, cheese and mushroom omelette, dinner: lamb tagine with rice and veg. Snacks will be wotsits and mini choc buttons
have a good day xx
Thanks for asking Missy. I still feel pants...cough seems to have got worse over night, feels like I'm on my way to a 6 pack. I drank quite a lot last night in hope of flushing it out but just ended up with 100s of trips to the loo...or felt like it lol. Good point about getting it over and done with before Xmas though. Hope your OH and LO feel better soon!

I've just munched a crisp sandwich that I've worked out at 15 syns so the rest of the day I will be sticking to plan. Have chilli for dinner and will munch fruit if I get hungry.
One of my favourite sandwiches ever is white bread, mature cheddar, pickled onions, crisps and salad cream!! Don't eat them that often but when I do its amazing!!X
Hi ladies :) growth scan went well,weighing approx. 2lb 14oz & all looking normal.Have managed 4 days on plan & so far so good today having sw chicken korma for tea with lots of veg.Will weigh in tomorrow at 29 weeks & see where im at but collar bone seems to have made an appearance after about 7 yrs so that's nice lol xxDSCF6172.jpg
Missy that sandwich sounds amazing. I don't usually do crisp sandwiches and I'm not sure it's worth the syns but it tasted damn good!

What a brilliant scan tamkat. Hurray for the collar bone appearance lol.

Any plans for the weekend?