See, i like the yogurts too, especially the citrus pack (pink.grapefruit does it for me) but it might be that I'm just used to them. The shape yoghurts are really nice but I'm not sure on points for those. Low fat so worth a look.
I wonder what munch bunch are like. Love the apricot ones.......
Yes yummy I use to have one everyday with my bran flakes but I sickened myaelf of having same breakfasts everyday so have been using just milk recently. X
Oooh , i like quite a few of those Jemma. When i sort of did swimming world a few years back they were free so i ate so many!!! Like the orange one with the.chocolate sprinkles but that's quite a new one. And the toffee and vanilla too. Love yogurt. Yum.
Yeah I think ther all 2pp quite big as well. I was on and off slimming world for years I lost 4 stone but put some back on then lost it then put it back in lol I was just yo-yoing all the time. I found with sw because pasta n rice n stuff was free on green days I would just eat loads for sake of it coz I could xx
Weighing in a day early this week so only have 2 days to use a fair few weeklies or else i probably wont lose anything.
I need half a pound to get into the twelves, 4lb to get to my 10% and 5lbs to get to my 3rd silver seven.
Desperate to get this by Sep 17th so need to lose 1lb a week.