Looking for feedback....... My noms.

Butternut squash risotto

(invented by me and my boy)

You will need:
Risotto rice (we used 200g (10pp each) for 2 but those are huge portions. You could lower the pp by having less rice and having a salad or veggies on the side).
Butternut squash
Wine (about 80ml)
Stock cube
Orange pepper
Couple of teaspoons of oil

Put the squash in the oven and roast until soft. I like to add a few chili flakes and crushed garlic to the squash, but you can leave it plain.
Meanwhile, dice the onions, pepper and garlic.
Fry vegetables in the oil
Add rice
Add wine
Add stock a little at a time until it is all absorbed by the rice
When the squash is ready take it out of the skin and mash.
Add squash to risotto when you have used all the stock.

With 200g rice i point it at 25 for the whole dish, so 13 pp per serving. I pointed mine at 14pp coz i think we used a bit more wine. Yummy.
Turn it into chips. Nom.
1lb off. I am now officially 12stone and 13lbs. Im not 13stone something anymore!!! Yay! ;-)

2lbs til 10%.
2.5lbs and im the lowest weight I've been for about 8 years. :)
Thanks girls. Just had a 10pp pizza (yum) and now im off out for a couple of beers to celebrate. :)
It wasnt massive but was very nice. ;-)
Right, yesterdays menu


Apple - 0pp
Fromage frais - 1pp
Weetabix cereal bar- 2pp

Total: 3pp


Ravioli - 8pp
Crackers - 2pp

Total: 10pp


Pizza express lighter pizza - 10pp
Milkybar buttons - 3pp

Total: 13pp


2 southern comfort & diet coke - 4pp
crabbies - 4pp

Grand total: 34/29
weeklies used: 5
Total weeklies used: 5/49
Does anyone have an eating out guide and can tell me the points for la tasca? Just been there with the boy. Tried to be good but very prepared to write off about 40pp plus......
anj_i_am said:
Does anyone have an eating out guide and can tell me the points for la tasca? Just been there with the boy. Tried to be good but very prepared to write off about 40pp plus......

I have, what did u have?

Erm, the meat paella (the tapas sized one), the mushroom croquettes, and the potatas with onion and pepper. But i can't.remember the Spanish names. Not.really very good am i. Whoops. I didn't have all of any of them though.
Right pretty sure it's

8 for potatoes (not in the book but are some similar ones)

7 for mushroom croquettes (in book)
15 for paella. (in book)

Feel free to correct me anyone :)

Hope that helps.
