Well done on getting back on track, I couldn't wait to get back to sw missed all the healthy eating ie yogurts, fruit and salads, sounds draftxx
So happy that it's not more than u thought.. 2.5 lbs is nothing.. You will have that lost in a week no problem! X
JaneB said:keep that goal in mind and you will do it, I only need 4lb to get my 4st badge, so I have set that as my goal for this week xx
Hey Claire, I'm typing from my brand spanking new tablet compoota! It's not an ipad, but a 1/3 of the price lookylikey called the A1CS X220 which had great reviews on Amazon! I'm loving it so far and it basically does what I want it for- apps, browzing the tinternet, facebook and most important of all, MINIMINS!!!! I'm mega- chuffed with it
Wowzers, well done on the loss!! You're very much in the same boat as me then! After a very similar gain you had a similar big loss in a few days which again proves the easy on easy off theory I bang on about so much!! Brilliant news and a really big boost to start 2012 off!!
Sounds like you've got lots to look forward to in 2012! Well we're off on a caribbean cruise next month with my folks! They're treating us! Basically my Mum's aunt died a couple of years ago and she had a bit of money from her- they paid for my brother and his family to go to Disney Florida, and they were waiting for a way to treat us/help us out! A couple of months ago they gave us a choice- money towards our roof (we spent a fortune last year having the front done but
we still need the back done!!) or to join them on a caribbean cruise!! Difficult choice, but not that difficult!! With the situation with my Mum's cancer Dai and I both feel that 'the experience' is far more important than 'the thing'!! Apart from that we have a couple of weddings and in October we're going to Spain again with the choir! So plenty going on, and plenty to stay slim for!! I have reset my Target to 5lb lower than my original target so 10lb to go from now! I'd love to do it by the cruise in 5 weeks time!!
Your food diary is looking first class- you keep it up!!XXXX
Loopeylou said:My son is poorlyhe's had tummy pain since fri eve but not getting better. I checked his tum this morn and it's where appendix is, not getting too severe but he's uncomfortable when trying to sleep- had to prop with a cushion at his side, when he coughs it makes him gasp in pain.
Have phoned Nhs direct and waiting to speak with a nurse, isn't bad enough to take to A&E but don't know how long I should leave a grumbling appendix ( pretty sure that is what it is )
Had needed to go shopping so hubbie been sent with a list while I stay here with. Will catch up on ironing - oh joy!!
Hope everyone is having a good Sunday x
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Loopeylou said:Yes there going to call in next 2 hours, I'm keeping a close eye on him. He's just uncomfortable at moment bless him, still able to move etc. They stressed if it got any worse to call back or take him to hospital. Apparently a grumbling one can last days/ weeks without rupturing and then clear
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Loopeylou said:Yes there going to call in next 2 hours, I'm keeping a close eye on him. He's just uncomfortable at moment bless him, still able to move etc. They stressed if it got any worse to call back or take him to hospital. Apparently a grumbling one can last days/ weeks without rupturing and then clear
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