Loopys Losses..Here we go again...again ...again!!!

Hi Amanda, well done for getting back up on de horse, god only knows what you'll be doing with those banana tetra's by day seven,,,,banana coffee have you spoken to Starbucks, they could be interested in this untapped recipe..LMAO:D :D

lol...on my way to Starbucks!!!
lol, d'ya reckon you could mix a banana tetra with a vanilla shake mix (instead of using water..) and make like a banana & vanilla pudding? Or would it just be utterly gross!!

Well done though - keep it up... we'll be wanting a list of all the banana recipes,. lol ;)
Hey girl... well done on getting back on board... i'll be back there with ya tomorrow!!


Gen xx
Hey Amanda

Hope you're doing well hun?? I'm going through the same thing as you - can do a good few days then i stupidly blow it and it's never worth it is it??? Grrrrrr!

Don't give up though chick, we can do this...
after another few disasterous days I've just finished day 1 (again) god...I'm even boring myself now lol

Chatterbox has kept quiet all day.....weird...haven't even thought about cheating!

Maybe something to do with the heavy night I had last night. Went out with a friend and only spent £11 but was well merry. Men are such suckers lol

Do you remember I went out with a chap before christmas who I quite liked.....well I saw him for the first time last night.

Still like him...and he's been texting me today but don't think I'll go there again....he did this before then went quiet for weeks. Doesn't he know a good one when he sees one lol
Fingers (and everything else!) crossed you get to Day 4 .. and well beyond this time!

Great news on the holiday too. Now you have something to aim for :cool:

Oh - and the date too! I remember the one I think .. and, you're right, you deserve to be treated like a princess so he'd be a fool not to see that for himself :rolleyes: :)

Fingers (and everything else!) crossed you get to Day 4 .. and well beyond this time!

Great news on the holiday too. Now you have something to aim for :cool:

Oh - and the date too! I remember the one I think .. and, you're right, you deserve to be treated like a princess so he'd be a fool not to see that for himself :rolleyes: :)


The chatterbox still hasn't reared her ugly head!! Hooray...end of day 2 and I feel good!!!

He...(who really doesn't deserve to be named!!!) is well and truly out!!

Long long story so won't go into it on here but between me Jackie and Michelle we've totally humiliated him tonight....not be hearing from him again! He wouldn't dare!!!

Onto the next lol

Good to see you've booked your Jollies Amanda..... give you an added incentive to work to...... how's it going? I've just managed Day 1 (again....:rolleyes: ) - determined to get through Day 2..... hanging on to that feeling of how great it was being slim last summer......:D
