feels like I've been off plan for ages, I've really struggled with motivation, most mornings I start on plan and by around 1/2pm I'm off plan

although mil visit wasn't too bad, I didn't feel comfortable and relaxed like I usually do. she's gone now and everything is back to normal.
I know I can stick to Atkins, I just need more focus. a big problem has been the lack of water, when I'm not drinking much, I feel hungry a lot and snack on anything in sight. I have a litre bottle of water next to me as I type so I'm going to do my best to focus and drink plenty.
I've decided to stop focusing on getting to a goal weight, instead I will see when I feel happy with my body, the last few weeks of eating anything I've really noticed a change in my body that I don't like. I don't know how much I weigh and I'm happy it staying that way. I might check every now and then but I really want to focus on how I feel about my body rather than how much I weigh.
I've been so busy this month, this has contributed to not eating well also. I love being a counsellor but I don't think it will ever give me full time hours unless I work for an organisation and I don't want to do that as with 3 kids, I really need flexibility and being self employed gives me that. so I've decided to start a new business along side what I already do, the plan is to be working full time hours by September when my little man is full time at school. over the last 10 days we've converted a room in my house and I'm going to do microdermabrasion, facials, nails, massage, I've almost completed these courses, I'm also doing reflexology and hypnotherapy. I feel really excited about it, I already have a few clients for next week
I have a hospital appointment today about my knee, should find out if they are going to operate again, wish it would get better, my life is restricted by it and I don't like it. I can't run, jump, kneel down etc.
need to catch up on missed posts, hopefully I'll get chance tonight x x