losing weight for the final time

feels like I've been off plan for ages, I've really struggled with motivation, most mornings I start on plan and by around 1/2pm I'm off plan :( although mil visit wasn't too bad, I didn't feel comfortable and relaxed like I usually do. she's gone now and everything is back to normal.

I know I can stick to Atkins, I just need more focus. a big problem has been the lack of water, when I'm not drinking much, I feel hungry a lot and snack on anything in sight. I have a litre bottle of water next to me as I type so I'm going to do my best to focus and drink plenty.

I've decided to stop focusing on getting to a goal weight, instead I will see when I feel happy with my body, the last few weeks of eating anything I've really noticed a change in my body that I don't like. I don't know how much I weigh and I'm happy it staying that way. I might check every now and then but I really want to focus on how I feel about my body rather than how much I weigh.

I've been so busy this month, this has contributed to not eating well also. I love being a counsellor but I don't think it will ever give me full time hours unless I work for an organisation and I don't want to do that as with 3 kids, I really need flexibility and being self employed gives me that. so I've decided to start a new business along side what I already do, the plan is to be working full time hours by September when my little man is full time at school. over the last 10 days we've converted a room in my house and I'm going to do microdermabrasion, facials, nails, massage, I've almost completed these courses, I'm also doing reflexology and hypnotherapy. I feel really excited about it, I already have a few clients for next week :)

I have a hospital appointment today about my knee, should find out if they are going to operate again, wish it would get better, my life is restricted by it and I don't like it. I can't run, jump, kneel down etc.

need to catch up on missed posts, hopefully I'll get chance tonight x x
Hi Jenny, nice to see you back :)
Oooo your new business venture sounds really good, and brilliant that you have clients lined up already.
You sound like you never stop. Don't forget to take five minutes for you, very easy to put others before yourself especially when it's family.
I like your way of thinking that you've stopped focusing on a goal weight and are just going with how you feel about your body. I'm coming to the same conclusion as I've had some gains on the scales that have made me feel all doom and gloom, but when I've measured I've lost inches and it's my shape not my weight that I'm more interested in.
How did you get on at the hospital? X
Hi Jenny, nice to see you back :)
Oooo your new business venture sounds really good, and brilliant that you have clients lined up already.
You sound like you never stop. Don't forget to take five minutes for you, very easy to put others before yourself especially when it's family.
I like your way of thinking that you've stopped focusing on a goal weight and are just going with how you feel about your body. I'm coming to the same conclusion as I've had some gains on the scales that have made me feel all doom and gloom, but when I've measured I've lost inches and it's my shape not my weight that I'm more interested in.
How did you get on at the hospital? X

Hi, thanks Tibbs.

yes I'm very busy but do get the odd bit of time to myself :)

wow just saw that you're in the 10s, well done.

hospital was a waste of time, consultant I needed to see was off so I ended up seeing a dr that didn't really have a clue about my knee. need to go back when correct consultant is there.

I hope you are well x x
Hi all,

so I have some big news. today I found out that I'm pregnant :) We're so happy. obviously I'm no longer on Atkins as ketosis isn't suitable for pregnancy. hubby and kids are thrilled too. its only early days and we have had several miscarriages in the past so I need lots of rest for a couple of months. Life will be much slower from now on. I'm due around October 6th :) x x
Ah Jenny, I am so happy for you :)Congratulations XX
Congrats! Such wonderful news.

Rest and carbs both sound like good ideas x x
Congratulations Jenny! (on all fronts) I think I'm going to stop thinking "weight" and start thinking "happy with my body" - it seems a much more positive way of getting on. x
thanks ladies, I'm over the moon :) still slightly shocked but so happy. I wont be on here as much but will check in to check on you all and update how I'm getting on. I really appreciate the support you lovely ladies give x x

Big hugs Jenny X
Hello Jenny, lovely to hear from you, I've been wondering how you are. Goodness, 7wks already! So looking forward to hearing if it's a boy or girl, a very exciting time for you all. Love Tibbs XX
Hello Jenny, lovely to hear from you, I've been wondering how you are. Goodness, 7wks already! So looking forward to hearing if it's a boy or girl, a very exciting time for you all. Love Tibbs XX

thank Tibbs. I'll let you know when I find out. I hope things are continuing to go well for you x x
Hi all,

12 weeks pregnant now. past the scariest bit of worrying about miscarrying. had a scan on Thursday and baby was jumping around, it was lovely. only 4 weeks until we find out if its a boy or girl. super excited :)

x x

Oooo I'm super excited for you too X
Wow just popped in! congrats that your pregnant!

You should stick to a healthy diet but the term eating for 2 is a myth. You dont need to eat more than the average person even if you're pregnant.