losing weight for the final time

Good morning,

so scales show 6lbs down this week. really happy with that. I know its that first week thing but I'm still happy, 6lbs closer to goal. I'm hoping for 2 next week but even 1 would be great as it will take me to 2 stone loss :)

off to work x x
That's great, bet you're chuffed with that! x
right I've decided that I'm going to do my best to lose 3lbs over the next week. it will usually be 2lbs that I aim for, 3lbs will mean 30lbs loss and will take me below 200lbs. really hoping I can lose it, if not 1lb will mean I've lost 2 stone. I'm going to continue doing what I've been doing this week and try and up my exercise.

I only need to lose 4lbs more and I can buy another new dress :) never know I might do it this week.

only a month to go and I'm 32. life is going way too fast and I don't want to spend the rest of mine feeling rubbish about my body. I must admit that I'm feeling better about my body everyday, last night I spent naked for the first time in ages as I felt really comfortable with my body, usually I will wear pjs or at least underwear.

I've decided that once I've had another baby and been at goal weight for at least 6 months, I'm going to have a mini tummy tuck. I've had 3 c-sections so the skin on my lower tummy is a little saggy now :( it doesn't go back whatever size I am. hubby finally agreed the other week so I'm really excited about it, he was worried as its surgery but now sees that its a big deal to me. I had a lovely flat tummy when I was about 20 so looking forward to having it again. We have started trying for a baby as of this month, I'm hoping we catch quite quickly. I wont let pregnancy be an excuse to gain weight, I plan on continuing eating healthily and not having an 'eating for two' attitude lol.

x x
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Pregnancy really did a number on my belly too. Section scar, diastasis recti (basically muscle seperation giving me a funny lump) and the stretch marks. O ye gods the stretch marks!! The things we go through for our kidlets eh? Not sure id be brave enough for surgery.
Well, I used up all my weight loss dust today (not that you need it) so sending baby dust your way x
Pregnancy really did a number on my belly too. Section scar, diastasis recti (basically muscle seperation giving me a funny lump) and the stretch marks. O ye gods the stretch marks!! The things we go through for our kidlets eh? Not sure id be brave enough for surgery.
Well, I used up all my weight loss dust today (not that you need it) so sending baby dust your way x

thanks Dextermummy, baby dust much appreciated. We have fertility issues so hoping for the best.

yeah kids certainly leave their mark on you :) I don't really mind the stretch marks, its just the loose skin that I hate x x
So another good day of eating well. I don't think I've eaten enough today but just haven't been very hungry. I'm not counting calories or anything but just feels like I've eaten less than normal.

I'm taking the kids swimming tomorrow so that will be good exercise. I really struggled to swim after my leg injury, hoping it will be a little easier tomorrow. if not, I'll just play with the kids the whole time instead.

only 9 days till the kids are back at school, I'll have more time to exercise once they are back.

goodnight all x x
Hope you have a great day! I have days when I'm just not hungry. Especially whilst the weather's been warmer.
Hope you have a great day! I have days when I'm just not hungry. Especially whilst the weather's been warmer.

thank you. yeah I didn't think about the weather, I remember hot days in the past where my appetite hasn't really been there. x x
good morning ,

off swimming today with the kids so should burn some calories there.

I've been trying to not weigh everyday and its been a struggle so I've decided that if I want to weigh everyday then why not. I weighed myself this morning and I'm another lb down since yesterday.

I've planned food for the day and packing my chicken salad to take out with us.

have a good day all x x
Hi all,

had a lovely time swimming with the kids today. they want to go back tomorrow so probably will, only a week left of school holidays so will be nice to do something everyday that I'm not working.

I forgot to take lunch with us, I was so annoyed at myself. kids asks for McDonalds, I was so good and had a grilled chicken salad, only 133 calories :) it was actually quite nice. I hate salad dressing so save on calories there. now that I'm thinking more about food, what I enjoy, how I feel after eating etc. There's loads of foods like McDonalds that just leave me feeling rubbish, full and bloated. I was really pleased after I'd eaten my salad as I felt comfortably full but not bloated or yakky.

I had a session with a peaceful eating coach today, some of the stuff she was saying was really interesting. She doesn't agree with dieting, only peaceful eating and believes that instead of trying to be slimmer, I should accept myself the way I am. I really don't want to accept the 14st 5lbs me, I'd be happy to accept a smaller me though lol.
She recommended a couple of books that look pretty good. I've ordered them so will update on here if they are worth buying.

I really want to up my exercise but find it so hard with the kids being off school, hopefully be able to do more when they're back at school. I love them being off but really looking forward to getting back into routine now and being able to work more. I love my job.

I've noticed that I'm not feeling hungry as much now, not sure if its because my stomach has shrunk or because I'm more aware of when I actually need food. guess its good for weight loss though.

I feel so determined to succeed to my goal weight. I just worked out that if I lose 2lb a week, I'll be 11st 13lbs by the end of the year. I'd be over the moon if I was in the 11s this year. 3lb a week would pretty much take me to my ultimate goal weight but that's a little optimistic. I haven't been in the 10s for years so that will be exciting :) What's crazy is that when I was in the 10s I thought I was fat lol. I was no where near fat.

x x

x x
Hah - it is mad how our opinions change of ourselves/our weight!

Glad you had fun at swimming, and well done for not caving in McDonalds. I'm starting to realise the same, I have to be careful what I eat now xx
Hah - it is mad how our opinions change of ourselves/our weight!

Glad you had fun at swimming, and well done for not caving in McDonalds. I'm starting to realise the same, I have to be careful what I eat now xx

thanks :) I felt rather proud of myself for not having what I'd normally have. I think being aware of everything food related is going to be key to succeeding long term. x x
You're so in the zone at the moment, reading your diary is such an inspiration! xx

thank you. I feel in the zone :) its such a good feeling not struggling with losing weight. usually I feel hungry a lot of deprived of certain foods, this time feels so different x x
good morning all,

we're off swimming again today so that will be good exercise.

weighed today and was the same as yesterday, I feel so pleased to lose 1lb a week now so I'm fine if the scale doesn't move. On diets in the past, 1lb a week would be so disappointing. I was so desperate for big losses every week and felt like I was failing if I was only 1lb down. guess the thing I failed to see was that 1lb is still 1lb closer to my goal and still an achievement. 1lb a week over a year is a lot of weight :)

planned my food for the day, I find this really important.

have a good day all x x
I'm with you on planning being key! If I don't plan, I find myself panicking and picking up food 'just in case I get hungry.'

SW for me has been much like giving up smoking in some ways: it has to be the right time for me. Because at the end of the day, that's who I'm doing it for!