losing weight for the final time

Glad the wedding went well. Sounds like you made pretty good choices too. The buffet would have been my undoing, a little bit of this and a little bit of that is my preferred eating style (and then a little bit more for good measure). Im always tempted to move my chair across at those things so i don't have to keep getting up.
Hope today goes well for you x
Hey Jenny,

Just managed to read all your diary - you're doing amazing.

Good luck with weigh day x x

thanks ladies :)

weigh in this morning, I lost 3lbs :) I'm so pleased, especially after the wedding eating more than normal and I have a coupld of j20s, wasn't sure how much sugar was in them? I'm quite fussy with what I drink.

youngest daughter goes back to school tomorrow and oldest of Wednesday so should be able to get into a better routine with exercise, then just got to wait for my sons nursery start date, hopefully next week at latest.

have a lovely day all, I'm off to chop my carrots. x x
Well done Jenny - that's a fab loss! You obviously made good choices, even with the wedding x
had a good day today, food had been really healthy but again not managed much exercise. I'll be able to do so much more when the kids are at school.

Yesterday I wore a pair of size 14 jeans. I just about got in them lol, another few lbs and I think they'll fit perfectly.

today I'm wearing a dress that I've avoided for ages as its bodycon style and shows every bump lol. I actually thought I looked quite nice when I looked in the mirror this morning, can tell I've lost weight off my tummy :)

off to make some grilled fish and salad for dinner and then back to work till 8pm.

x x
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good morning all,

one child back at school today, decided to walk her to school instead of driving so that was a nice 30 mins walk in total. I'm going to try and walk as much as possible. next week my son will be starting school nursery so that means 3 trips to school everyday. 90 mins walking sounds good, although I'm not sure if my 3 year old will want to walk and he refuses to go in his pushchair. I'll see how it goes.

had a healthy breakfast and have planned food for the day.

I didn't weigh myself this morning, didn't have the urge. I think now I've allowed myself to weigh whenever I want to, I don't seem to want to as much lol.

As I've lost 30lbs now I can buy myself a new dress, I'm getting a new 1 for every 10lbs that I lose :)

16 weeks left of the year, it goes so fast. I''m well on track for losing 50lbs as planned, that's only just over 1lb a week which seems achievable. but the more the better. I know chances are I'll still be losing weight in 2017 but I WILL be a lot closer to my goal.

have a good day all x x
Loving your positivity and determination! Enjoy dress shopping! :) x
Well done on 30lbs loss x
You're doing so well, you definitely deserve that dress, enjoy shopping for it! Walking to and from places soon adds up, do you have a pedometer? They're great for showing you how much walking you're actually doing throughout the day, which is often more than you'd expect :). 50lbs will be fantastic, good luck reaching your goal in time for New Year!
You're doing so well, you definitely deserve that dress, enjoy shopping for it! Walking to and from places soon adds up, do you have a pedometer? They're great for showing you how much walking you're actually doing throughout the day, which is often more than you'd expect :). 50lbs will be fantastic, good luck reaching your goal in time for New Year!

thank you :) I have a fitbit but stopped wearing it a couple of months ago, probably because I wasn't moving enough then. I think I'll find it out tomorrow x x
today I've been really tired, yes I know its past 12 now lol. I've done the school runs, loads of cleaning and had work, I feel like I've been on the go all day, tomorrow shouldn't be as hectic hopefully.

I had 6 fruit pastels earlier, I actually didn't enjoy them very much and felt quite disappointed afterwards, they were one of my favorite sweets before.

I found a lovely dress online so I'm going to order I think, I never know what size to order. think I'll go with a 14 and hope for the best. last 16 I ordered was too big. I've now updated my envelope to reflect my weigh loss so £5 for every 1lb lost. I'm so excited to get to goal so I can go shopping. I haven't spent that sort of money on myself for 13 years, (before I was pregnant with my oldest) so it will be lovely to treat myself for a change.

off to sleep now, that alarm will be ringing in less than 7 hours x x