lost 9lb in 1st week, help keep me motivated!!

It seems to have all started with the 'allowing' yourself that day on packs, day on veg approach - meant the packs weren't ingrained as the 'only' thing you could have. It's ok, we all fall off the wagon every once in a while - get back on it, you know you can. :) It's hard, but possible. Keep temptation out of the house ENTIRELY for the first 2 weeks - if you can stick to ONLY packs with NO DEVIATIONS for those two weeks, you'll be ok.

Good luck :)
It seems to have all started with the 'allowing' yourself that day on packs, day on veg approach - meant the packs weren't ingrained as the 'only' thing you could have. It's ok, we all fall off the wagon every once in a while - get back on it, you know you can. :) It's hard, but possible. Keep temptation out of the house ENTIRELY for the first 2 weeks - if you can stick to ONLY packs with NO DEVIATIONS for those two weeks, you'll be ok.

Good luck :)

Thanks, I know I can do it, just so dissapointed that I gave in lol. Trust me, there's no naughty stuff in the house now ive eaten it all haha and no money left to buy naughty stuff with either!
I'm on it! You've done well!
Keep going!!! You're doing amazing hun x
Fantastic achievement soo far :) always inspiring to see folk losing weight and the encouragement people give to one another to stay on track.
thats how i started and it really was a massive motivation! just dont do what i did and become cocky with it so you put it all back on!! well done, good luck on your journey! xx
Nine pounds in a week?-- that's brilliant! Keep it up! You're doing excellent!
Don't give up hun you've done amazing so far!

That's always been one of my biggest flaws with dieting... Weighing myself daily. From what I hear we should only be doing weekly weigh ins at the very least, some even do fort nightly and as they tend to then see more results, it motivates them more.

Best of luck!
that is excellent, well done, i thought i was doing well with 5/6lbs weight loss. Keep going now youve got the motivation!