Lost & Found... Map Gone AWOL!

Hugs to you Katie. I'm sure you'll feel a lot better once the current work stress is over, meantime hang in there, you're doing really well. It's not been an easy few weeks for you recently, with doing to the doctor & everything. :hug99::hug99::hug99:

Recently, things have been really hectic at work for me (l've been working some evenings & working this weekend too), but l've made a point of going out a walk everyday, even though it's been really cold, l feel a lot better for doing it.
Oh Katie sweetheart, I so want to help somehow but not sure how to. I will be direct as it's the only way I know but if you aren't in the right place at the moment maybe just skip past my post!

The only way out of the place you are in is to let go. You need to step away from 810 as you are in a place where it is doing you more harm than good at the moment. The viscious cycle you are caught in is damaging your self confidence and self worth.

To try and bring some clarity... you say that you won't give up because you hate to fail. Do you really believe that being on a higher calorie level that you are more able to cope with and lose a few pounds along the way is a failure compared to continuing with an 810/Binge cycle where you lose nothing? Try thinking about what success looks like to you - how do you define it.

Is success losing weight?
Is success sticking to 810 regardless of whether you lose weight or not?

From an outside perspective it seems that proving to yourself you can stick to 810 has almost become more important than whether you are losing, gaining or maintaining if you know what I mean.

Also, try taking things back to basics. We are all here because we wanted to lose weight. There are many different reasons for us having wanted to but ultimately by fulfilling those reasons we hoped would bring a better sense of wellbeing and happiness. What you are doing now is having the totally opposite effect so why continue... why continue to do something that is making you miserable as there is no benefit to you?

Big hugs hun


I think your body has had enough of 810. If your stats are correct, you don't have that much to lose, and would probably lose faster by eating on a higher calorie plan as your eating would be more consistent.

You know the saying insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting different results.

How about as a compromise, just till you have a bit less going on work wise, stick to 1200 or 1500 and give yourself a month. If after that month you feel like dropping down, then reconsider it but bring yourself a bit of stability for it.

You've proven you can do 810 before and you don't need to prove it again, at least not to us. What's so important about 810, and what does sticking to 810 mean? You can be disciplined with food? You can show that on a higher plan? You can stick to a LCD? What's that proving now. Or is it trying to avoid the hunger signals ie being in ketosis and a fear of losing weight the normal way? I think it's easy to get into the latter on this diet and if we don't lose 1.5 pounds a week, we think it's not enough. It's not true.

I hope none of the above comes across as too full on. I'm just sorry to see you struggling so much and just throwing out some random thoughts in the hope one of them helps you just a bit. xxx
Trying to see the sense in what you all say, truly. I seem to have lost all perspective lately.
If someone else was doing this I would be saying the same... I just can't seem to see the wood for the trees now that it is me.
So pig-headed.
Attached to 810 because of promise of fast weight loss... well, yeah. Not really working for me this time, I have to admit. It only works if you DO it.
I can still see a part of me wanting to argue, 'but THIS time I will try harder...'
The honesty is appreciated... I am trying, I promise, to take it in.

I know the feeling of being in the bottomless pit Katy and at some point, you need to stop digging. But that's a choice that you need to make, it's taking that leap of faith and beginning to believe in yourself again, even if you have to act 'as if'.' Everything we do is a decision. Sometimes it's good to turn the brain off, stop trying to understand the whys and just do it. I know i found posting my food on here a good way to get back on track, even the awful days. It was just good to see it on the screen. Trying to think through how I'd feel after I ate something helped as did the book Eating Less.

Hoping Sunday is a better day for you.
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Porgeous is absolutely right Katy! The lure of fast weightloss is so hard to resist but unless you are completely focused (like you would have been in the beginning of CD) it's virtually impossible to stick to such a strict plan. Clearly the motivation isn't quite there (even though you are probably willing it to be) and so you would be better off on a higher plan. You did so well on the DT (1200) some months ago - why don't you give that a go again?

Having just come back from hols i'm tempted to SS for a few days to get back into the swing of things, but I don't think I'm going to as I don't think I could stick to it. Instead I may just log back on to WLR and do 1100 for a week and then move up to 1300 next week if all goes well. I'd like to lose another stone to make my goal 4lbs under my original goal. Not sure if I'll ever get there but that's my aim.

Big hugs to you - the binge / diet cycle is horrible and hard to get out of. I hope you find a permanent seat on that wagon soon!:hug99:
So far so good today. Two shakes down and lots of herb tea, and quorn meal ready to go for tonight.

Have nothing to add except that I care very much for you and am thinking of you.xx
Hi Katy, sorry to see you struggling a little. Can I point something out that you may or may not have realised. Last time we did 810 we had worked up the plans, coming from SS+ we were in ketosis. I know that I stayed in keto on 810 and it was a breeze and Im guessing you were too.
Now if I try and do 810 now without being in ketosis I really struggle and fail. That could be why you are finding it harder this time compared to before.
Some good advice on here and the higher plans may be worth a try.
Hope you are having a good day, I have already burnt off loads of calories running away from snowballs all morning! The kids came in soaked but very happy x
Know that feeling MJT. That's why I struggled with 1000 MJT. It wasn't enough calories for me to feel full but was out of ketosis. And I think 1000 only works while we are moving up the plans as our metabolism is still a bit slow. It's not enough to drop back down to for most. (oops sorry for my 1000 plan mini vent ;))

Despite what the book said, most people are in ketosis on 810 unless they are carb intolerant or having different products to what is listed ie sausages instead of mince. I couldn't have done 810 on my round two if it weren't for ketosis.
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Hiya hunny, How's your day going? Hope its good!
Wishing you a fabby week ahead!

Three shakes, a quorn meal and a fat free yoghurt... so OK, really. Still slogging away at the work, hoping to finish midweek.

Katy, you're doing really well, a lot better than l did today :eek:.
Good on you hon.. sounds like your having a fab day..
Great advice given to you by lots of the other ladies and as I have not been maintaining for that long I am reading this with lots of interest to.. Hang in there hon.. your doing fab its hard but you can do it I know you can xxxx
Katy, I just want to echo what others have said on here, MJT put it perfectly, coming from SS to 810 felt like magic and was an easy transition to make for me but did 3 days 810 last week and it was awful :(.
I seem to mirror your struggles, I spent all of yesterday stuck in hospital with a stabbing victim, was late off work, came home with best intentions in the world and then ate stupid. Did I really need 3 choc bars? :banghead:
Today WILL be better and will catch up with you later to see how you are ;) xxx
Thanks all.

Dis, I hope today is better for you. Curly, you are always an inspiration... keep doing what you're doing because it clearly works!

Sleepy, noooo... how awful hun. So stressful. Puts my ups & downs into perspective. Chocolate is wicked, isn't it? It's embedded into my soul as this wonder-food that can magically cure all ills, even though I know otherwise. And when you feel that way, more choc seems like more comfort... all rubbish, but those are powerful beliefs. Today WILL be better. Big hugs Sleepy, and take care.

they all say it so well Katy cant add any more pearls of wisdom apart from you are my inspiration for getting this weight off (again) and you are more in control than you think as you are not having massive swings in weight of putting on and losing so that is GOOD.

thinking of you lots and sending you hugs
You are doing excellently Katy, much more willpower than I had on 810.... I couldn't last on it at all, although still doing fine on WW... lost 2.5lb last week and hoping for a loss this week.... definately finding it much easier than CD, so you definately aren't failing at it.... you are in fact doing extremely well....