Cheers Joanne - well day two is nearly over and went ok - not as smoothly as day one i hasten to add but i think that was expected. Started the day off with a bar around 1pm after drinking 1 litre of water this morning and a couple of coffees - then decided to keep busy and do the housework (anything to get my mind off food) . I am ashamed to say that at one point i took a breather and sat on the sofa staring at my four year old eating a digestive biscuit - i felt like my bichon frise dog watching every mouthful go in and ready to swipe it out of his hand at any given point - i swear i could even smell the lovely digestiveness of it. Then had a mental image of me looking like my mother in another six months time if i carry on which put me off (i know i know im an awful daughter thinking like that haha) - Anyhows got through tea time and then had a sudden desire for something sweet (again bad habits) - usually have a pudding after dinner - so from some support of other Exantians went and got some Coke Zero. As chance would have it my friend telephoned to let me know her hen party is in 8 weeks and yes you guessed it its fancy dress. The theme - 80's luminous clothing including the leg warmers! So here i am sipping my coca cola with the horror of if i eat a digestive biscuit im gonna end up looking like a blamange with my mothers head stuck ontop! Oh the joy of visualisation - needless to say i havn't ate the digestive x