Hey guys everyone is great and to think i thought it was just me that went through all this in my head lol!! Its great knowing other girls out there that have the same dreads as me and thinks the same!! It got to the point were i felt so sorry for my OH because he didnt get to do things because of the "old me". Oh yeah i say the old me because know even thoguh i've just lost 33lbs i feel bloody fantastic for it. Yeah yeah its a hard slog to get there and we do only have ourselves to blame but believe me when you start seeing the result it such a great feeling

Ok i still have like 4 stone to lose but im so determined to do and so can you
Debz stop stressing babe...it will all come good. Just take a day at a time, enjoy the food your eating and cooking, enjoy the time your spending with your OH. Go out for walks hold hands just relax

Dont see the goal as "OMG" see it as BRING IT ON!!!!
Everyone cheer up lets forget about what we couldnt do and lets think about all the things were going to do once we start reaching our goals
Good Luck with all weigh ins this week