ProPoints Lots to lose: Trying to refind the wagon!!!!

Silly me - the hair confused me!!! Lol treat urself - u will look lovely I'm sure :) x
so far so good today! had 2pp of milk with coffee this morning, an apple, orange and bannana salad and a strawberry petits filous 3pp!!! so 5pp so far, think thats good going as its already 12.30pm!!! Will have a bowl of 0pp soup with a toastie 10pp before work!! Leaving me 18pp for supper!!!!
That's good going Lauren I'm the opposite!! I've had 13 so far and ate my lunch at break I was so hungry!! Totally skipped breakfast this morn- not good :-s

So I'm sitting now doing some marking in my classroom rather than sit and watch people eat lunch lol
I've had 14 plus it's lunch and I ate my lunch at break lol so I'm starving!!

Sitting on my own in my classroom as I don't want to have lunch envy lol
aw leb you should try eating breakfast if you know your gonna be hungry!! Even a banana and a cereal bar would keep you going xxxx

I'm thinking of lying on the sofa a while to watch tv before work!!! Just had a look on the jobcentre and there is NOTHING!!! uggghhh think i'll be in that chip shop for the rest of my life!!!!!!!!!!!
do you not have time to run to the shop for some fruit!!! You will be starving by home time xxxx
I had an orange lol I'll be fine be too busy to be hungry ;)

Something will turn up- job wise x
Laurenasha - sure something will turn up job wise :)

LEB - do u not have brekkie? To be honest I do think brekkie starts the hunger lol

I am sat at court with these two skinny minnys and there tiny salads... With just a drink... How can people not need more than that... At least I kno why they r skinny but there is another lass who is even smaller and eats loads!! Lol not sure which makes me more angry haha

How do u manage on so little PP :( stupid fruit n veg phobia is driving me mad now... I will get there one day x
I normally do eat brekkie but couldn't get up this morning lol

I had an extra 15 mins in bed.

I just eat loads of fruit and veg and drink lots of water.

You'll get there :) I wish I could eat fish but can't :( apart from tinned tuna and cod from the chippy but not sure that counts!!
you will get there lanky!! i eat fruit but would much rather have a bar of chocolate lol!!! had a lovely bath this afternoon and washed my hair!! so hoping i can come straight home at 9 and jump into bed (after checking in here off course lol) for tomor mornings WI!!! I'm gonna really try and stick to my dailys tomorrow after it!!! After WI is usually a binge lol"" was ok when it was in the evening cause i had a Chinese and that was it!! But i ate ALL of last tuesday lol!! Will try and save a Chinese for the weekend this time!!!
:sigh::553:Leb -so know what you mean -being a teacher you have to have breakfast on the run dont you and dont always have time
I could so identify with you when you talked about eating lunch at break!!!!!
Hi all
Hows everyone doing?
Lanky - do you like honeydew melon, Ive already gone through 2 of them since last Thurs all to myself, find them good when Im peckish.
Lauren - Good luck for your wi in the morn hon Im sure you will shock us yet again.
I always have breakfast after my walk, normally tea, toast and banana or porridge. If Im saving pp for something later that day will try and just have fruit salad, but normally results in me having a slice of toast about 11 or an early lunch. Am really bad at drinking the water lately but am having about 8 cups of green tea if that helps. Ate 28/29pp yday, so only managed to claw back 1, am doing ok today, have just had a mediteranean wrap (4pp) filled with some chicken (2pp) and onions, mushrooms & peppers done in a little bit of fajita spice and then stuck it on the george foreman, was delish all for 6pp. DId an hour walk also this morn so feeling positive. Not going step on the scales til Wed morn (wi wed eve)
i lovvveeeee honeydew melon!! though i'm too lazy to cut it lol!!!

bindi i'm sure you'll be fine pet, you haven't had a gain yet xxxx
Sounds like ur bk to it Bindi :) I don't like any but I'm working on easy ones first :) or trying to lol

LEB - i love my bed too... What about a handy cereal bar for such occasions?

Lauren - good luck tomorrow x
Some thinspiration for my ladies! :)



..and I know the girl at 140lbs already looks great/healthy, but she looks even better at 117! :p



The girl beneath before and after a 75lb loss

I think she looks malnutritioned in that picture at 117! Is it just me?? :S

I've had a terrible day, still not feeling motivated. You can tell because I used to post on here several times a day, but now its only 1 or 2 at most. I've been eating crap, and feeling depressed about it - and depressed in general. I've tried looking at success stories, things that would normally spur me on but its not helped. I'm trying to remember why I'm doing this, looking at old pics of me, and pics of my slim friends who wear lovely clothes when they go out. But then I feel really naff about not being able to go out anyway cos I'm so poor at the minute and then I end up binge eating cos it gets me down. Have seen my friends less than a handful of times in the last year. And now its getting me down so much and I've put 4lb on :(

How's everyone else doing? xxx
Maybe.. my perception is probably warped! lol.

Oh pet, I know how it feels to be stuck in one of those ruts. *huggles* Maybe you just need a proper blow-out, get it out of your system, hit rock bottom, maybe have a weep and then regroup? I know that works for me. I'm really skint at the minute too, I actually just had my credit card details stolen over the internet and had to ring my bank up and report the 'fraud' (which they're reimbursing me for!), it sucks really bad. Would you consider trying for a part-time job somewhere? Although I know it's easier said than done! I hope you're feeling better soon. :)