Afternoon all,
LEB well done on your loss, you will defo get that stone next week

Lauren Hope all is ok with your bloods. And well done on getting rid of that 1lb already. Beans or banana on toast wud be good while others have the fry up. Then the 0pp soup in flask is a great idea too, sure you have your 49 if you hit a stumbling block.
Erin I got all excited there reading that a frys turkish was 3points, then I remembered you are on the old plan, doh!
Well have my weigh in tonight, not sure if its good or not. Lost track of my weeklies, am really bad, Im noticing a trend with myself, I track all week, then get lax with it on the Mon and forget to add in the bold stuff

. Am hoping for a loss though, have done a fair bit of walking this week. Cant go to 530 class so am going to the later one at 7 so instead of having lunch today Ive just had my dinner cos otherwise I would be startving by the time I got home at 8pm and eat everything in sight. Had 300g homemade chips with spray oil and black pepper on them and 4pp of chicken with mushrooms, onions and peppers done in a sprinkling of old el paso fahita spice, omg gorgeous all for 8pp and a massive dinner also. Its that big that Ive left about a 1/4 of it. Am hoping it doesnt show up on the scales laer lol.
Will post my news up later (hoping its good)