Hey All
LEB - that's awesome! Here's to Mojo - clinkys
Lauren - sounds like a very yummy meal

can u remind me of the recipe sometime? I can't find mine

SW is really good hun but there is a lot less freedom - you cant just have anything you fancy and u have to cook everything from scratch - its really hard if u are busy... Could u maybe look through ur mags and recipe books and make new things ... or just decide what ur fave meals were before dieting and make thinner versions?? if its the recipes u like most of them would be low in pp anyways.. but of course if u think it will work go for it and we will support u... i found it depressing coz I couldn't eat choc/drink much ... lol
Bindi - well done on 100% day - I am sure u will find suitable exercises

sorry if mine made no sense lol
Ruth - sounds like a tough few days! Hope ur scalp feels better! Good luck with paperwork, training the kiddies and your exams/assessments (he probably picks on u coz he cant believe how good u are) ;D U will have to tell me what the power plate is like

I always wanted to try one... and im sure from ur diary u have pp'd enough or even more than enough
LeanneF- yay for losing 2lb and boo for being poorly!
No idea what a multi pan is...
Tried to make the Lemon Roulade out of the mag from 3 months ago and it came out a bit iffy.. so attempted again and it still doesnt look quite right.. will save tasting it tomorrow and take curly wurlys as back up - me and my 2 SW friends are meeting and each doing a course
I did day 6 of shred too.. I am hoping for a really good loss this week
