ProPoints Lots to lose: Trying to refind the wagon!!!!

Yay! Let us kno how u find the DVDs when they arrive! Poor freezer haha xx
My freezer is as big as a drawer in the kitchen so I cant do lots of cooking and then freezing half of it afterwards :(

Ive got a lot of apologising to do this morning...

Yesterday my OH brought me the pizza in but the smell made me feel sick so I told him to take it away...
Then he came to see me after having a bottle of cider and I told him to go away....

:( I feel so mean! When I get home from work Ill have to give him a cuddle because im mean :( I might take him to Lidl and buy him some of his favourite chocolate or maybe play call of duty on Xbox as he is always trying to get me to play it..

Awww bless u Ruth! I only have a drawer and a half in our freezer so my freezing capacity is limited! I'm sure he will forgive u! He should eat his pizza out anyways rather than tempt u haha! Hugs xx
ugh ruth my oh does that all the time!! Brings chips and burgers and chocolate to the house!! It really angers me but hey i guess they have to eat too!!!

i ordered jillian michaels banish fat, boost motabolism, and no more trouble zones and also ten minute solution fat blasting!! The last one isn't one of jillians but i liked it cause it is a dancing one!!

I also ordered my multi cooker cost £29.99 with delivery so not too bad!! Can't wait to it arrives so i can start cooking with it :)

whats the meal plans for today girls?? xxxx
Oooo exciting DVDs :) do u have the shred or did u fancy her others more?

Im having homemade sausage pizza on one of them wraps and homemade pasta carbonara with WW GB :) xx
Haven't been on much- but weighed this morn and I'm back down to 13.3 1/2 which is great!!

Heading to am all day BBQ / bouncy castle etc day so should be interesting!! Oh and drinking too lol
Um carly i am def going to make one of them pizza's next week!! Was thinking of ham!!! How many pp is it for tomato puree, or how do you make the sauce again???

LEB enjoy your day out!! You must feel happy that your back down them lbs again xxxxx

I am having a ww vanilla yoguart 1pp and honey dew melon now for breakfast!! am trying to leaving the big eating for later as it will be a long night in work!! Starting the diet coke chicken in a minute and will have that for lunch at 3.30 before work and then i'm taking left over meatballs for evening tea!! Haven't decided what snacks i'm taking to work yet but i should have 10-12pp left over to play with for snacks/treats!! Might try and stick to fruit for snacks so i can have a few treats later with a cuppa tea :)
Yay LEB - so is that still 14.5lbs loss? Well done!! :D enjoy BBQ, bouncy castle n booze... Perhaps not in that order...

Lauren - I use pasata with lazy chilli and lazy garlic and mixed herbs and it's free :D


Just grovelled to OH on the phone :)

Everything is good and we're off to Lidl when I finish work at 1:30 :)
He wants to stop for Mcdonalds on the way home...might have to get cross with him on this part..

YUM YUM Meatball Pasta & Garlic Bread For Tea!!!! Couple of Magners too I think- prepared to go into my weeklies as I had 18 dailies left yesterday :)

I have seen that lazy chilli and garlic- looks great! Worth the money?

Ruth - maybe have one little thing at mcd's? Blooming OH! Lol glad ur all sorted!! :) enjoy ur pasta and magners :)

Lazy chilli and lazy garlic are defo worth the money! I use it in everything :) xx
omg ruth all i can say about lazy chilli/garlic is where have you been all my life!!! :) it's great!!!

Gonna buy some wraps on monday and have some yummy pizza before work carly!! It's really tempting me lol!!!

Ruth it seems like your OH doesn't think you are serious about this diet!!!! Maybe you should try sitting him down and telling him that you are 100% devoted to this and tell him all your pro's for doing it!!
Or maybe he just wants you both to do the normal things that you did together pre diet!! You could have 6 nuggets and reg fries!!! Think if i remember right thats only 15-16pp and have a diet drink!! That way he'll think your being naughty but you wont have to feel guilty!!! lol :)
I agree with Lauren :) maybe have a chat ... My ex was the same! Bringing puddings over etc! And yea maybe have somet small for lunch from Mcds or a sundae... Yum! Lol!

I just had a pizza for lunch -so yummy and full tummy :) x
ugh i thought a bar of cadburys dairy milk was 5pp and its 6!! Ah well no point worrying over 1 silly little pp!! Must remember in future though!!! xxxxx
Hey ladies, i have to know- what are lazy chilli and lazy garlic? intrigued!:)
My OH can eat whatever he wants and not put on weight but he is pretty good at eating heathily with me and not bringing in treats, thank god, because my willpower is not very strong!! :p xxx
hey anna!! Welcome!! Very lazy chilli and very lazy garlic are jars of already cut garlic and chilli!! They are soooo easy to use (rather than chopping up) and are only £1.50 each and last for ages!! You must get them!!

Its nice that your OH is supportive!! It really helps alot!! Welcome again xxxxxxxxx
Diet coke chicken!! Think it wasn't thick enough cause I put 2 tins of tomato in it!! I like my food with loads of sauce though so alls good!! Got 6 portions out of it so only 2pp each!! Will do the taste test shortly before work :)

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aww thanks for the welcome lauren :) just been looking through your diary youve done so well, amazing to have lost so much since feb!! :) oooh i will have a look out for the lazy chilli and garlic they sound good- i lovvve garlic!! diet coke chicken sounds interesting- is it a bit like sweet and sour?! xxx
i dont know how to describe it as i usually don't eat things like that!! But there is def a sweet taste of it!! Think it needs more chilli though (will know next time)

thanks its been hard but i'm determined this is the last time and i will do it!!!

Have to dash to work now!! Will try and get on later but the internet is terribly slow in there!! Hope ya'll have a lovely saturday night xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lauren - if it's tortilla wrap 3pp, pasata free, mozzarella depending on if u use whole ball but for all if it's light one 5pp and 3 slices of ham is 1pp so 9pp... Mine is 15 as I have 4 sausages and warby wraps to bulk up!

Pesky 1pp but bet u enjoyed dairy milk!

DC chix looks lush!

I second the recommendation of lazy garlic and chilli!

Anna - the dc chix has Chinese five spice in.. Ive not tried yet but I will xx