Morning all,
Hows everyones morning going? Just back from my usual walk, in the lashings of rain, 6AP earned. Didnt have a great day yday, was out shopping yday and was very tempted to have a mcd's big mac meal, was playing on my mind all day that I wanted something along those lines, didnt give in to it but did use up some of my weeklies, need to tot them up on the tracker, reckon I used about 10

. Its amazing how a not so good result can mess with your head, but am back on it today thank god

. Have a pot of 0pp soup cooking away and have the meals planned for the rest of the day. Have nothing on today or tomorrow but going to see take that on sun with the girls, so will be having a nice lunch out and a few drinks, so need to be extra good til then and for rest of week.
Leanne well done on your 1lb loss, step in the right direction, it all adds up hun

Hope Lauren isnt too hungover this morn, dying to see pics and hear how her day went

Anyone up to anything nice at the weekend?