Hello Lovelies - busy day!!
Lauren - hope ur tummy is feeling better

are u still gonna WI at home or thurs? Omg that job sounds too good to be true!! So pleased for u and excited

yay!!!!!!!! When u telling boss? Could u WI tues one week and thurs the next?
Ruth - u won't gain unless u deserve it

have faith - and well done for level 3 u star!!
LEB - we've missed u!!! How are u doing??? Bet u can't wait till end of term

hope u feel better soon
Bindi - sounds like a lovely day

fingers crossed scales stay nice
Yass - log in and tell us all about it!!
Leanne - wedding sounds fab

good luck getting bk to it

we are here
Well I've been good, done the shred and 30 mins Davina! Gonna day it again in the morning... Scales seen to be stuck... Hoping for 2.5.... Xx