ProPoints Lots to lose: Trying to refind the wagon!!!!

A place up in Lisburn just- boring!!! I've completly fell off the wagon :(
Well done nomes!! That was good going :)
Leb its hard getting back on track when you've fell off the wagon, took me nearly a week last time, tut tut lol but you can do it if you put your mind to it :)
EnjoY your end of term do's girls!!
Carly glad you had a good night and within pp, well done :)
Been shopping all day and my son wanted mcdonalds for lunch, so I got a sweet chilli chicken wrap thinking it wouldn't be too bad, it was 13pp :(:(:( Have to be good the rest of the night now x
I hate when that happens- just shows you how bad it must be when that's you being good- I always ordered large meals - dont even go there anymore :(

Leb- don't worry- if you don't mind I'm sending you a virtual kick in the ass for Thursday- that's the first day of summer transformation xx
Thanks Leanne and Nomes I totally need tge kick up the ass!!! Thanks :)

Summer tranfornatuon here I come- just ordered 30 day shred! Where do u teach again Nomes? I teach at Fort Hill in Lisburn.
I'm at jordanstown- other end of the country lol! I'm just glad we are at the end! I have set a goal of being transformed by 24th august- 1st day back at school
LEB - get bk to it lovely after all the treats etc! :D enjoy ur do! Shred shred shred :)

U too Nomes!

Leanne - wrap sounds yummy! And not too bad :)

Off to BBQ n booze soon :) finish off the last of my weeklies :) xx
Hi all
Well done Nomes on your walk and Traceyjane on your loss, great stuff.
Lauren have a great night tonight :)
Carly, looking good in your facebook photos :D
Leb, enjoy your meal and fair tomorrow and get stick back into it Mon.
Leanne, could have been worse in mcd, I dread bringing the kids, but I normally try to eat before I go and have a large diet coke when Im there to avoid temptation. Havent had a big mac meal since before Xmas I would say.
My day has gone ok, need to tot up my dailies, will be lucky if I have 2-3 left for a ww bar, but I did have 5pp of microwave popcorn earlier so dont feel too bad about only having a couple left. Need to tot up weeklies too, think Ive used up bout 30. No exercise for me today but hopefully will get good walk done in the morn
Enjoy your Sat night ladies
Evening ladies, hope your all well!!

Had a big bar of Lindt when I got home, a creme brulee one cos its my fave and my mum got it for me especially. Cant just eat half of it :p lol. On my break at work I had a low fat yoghurt but apart from one redbush tea I've been drinking water and I'm pretty sure I've burnt off most if not ALL of that chocolate bar from all the walking I've done in the last 6 hours I was at work! I tidy the store and do all the put backs from the fitting rooms so I'm constantly rushing around apart from one 15 minute break. I definately think my job is helping shift the weight, at my weight (todays was recorded as 188lb!!) just 3 hours of walking at 2mph burns around 600-700 calories. Fingers crossed I'll be size 10 in no time lol! Plus, working in a clothes store constantly having nice clothes shoved under my nose that I cant fit into is also a massive motivation.
Me and the OH have decided to go away for 3 weeks to interrail around Europenext year, another reason to lose the weight! Nothing worse than being sweaty and overweight with a backpack!
Sherri - hope u enjoyed choc!! Jealous of interrailing - I would love it! :) x
Congratulations Lauren!

I'm so jealous of you teachers in Ireland. I've got another four and a half weeks to go. I'm seriously considering moving over there!

I'm camping this weekend and lost my way a little. I'm going to try and offset the damage by going on s mega walk tomorrow. Is it me or does being outside make you want to eat more?
Hope camping has gone well xx
0.5lb lost this week, but I ate like a pig this week, so I'm not bothered! Off out for homemade birthday lunch & cake now, will catch up with you all later on today/tomorrow. :)
Erin 0.5lb is still a loss, well done :)

Felt like eating all round me when I got home from work last night about 10.30, so went to bed shortly after that to stop me eating lol x
Well Done Erin! Ate my own weight in food over the past couple of days! Getting back to it and sorting it out though!

This morning my scales said 13.7 and a quarter (they said 13.5 and a quarter last week and I was half up) went to the loo and now they're on 13 3 and 3 quarters.... That's the lightest I've ever seen my scales and when I was 13 5 and a quarter i wad 13 4 at the meeting! So confused and happy!

Tried the scales 3 times and it said 13 3 and 3 quarters.... Do I believe it or not?

Do you weigh in at a class? Believe what they say- my scales are sensitive so fluctuate a lot- that's why I pay ww each week lol. Well done- another couple of weeks and you will be under 13!!!
I do weigh in at a class I was 13.4 last Wednesday but 13.5 on my home scales!

Had a dreadful weekend food wise so need to work hard to keep it off and maybe lose a bit more! 1lb to my June goal :D

I know my scales at home always weigh heavier! Eek!

Bacon & Egg for Brunch with Greek Yog & Banana! :)
