ProPoints Lots to lose: Trying to refind the wagon!!!!

well done Lauren thats fab'll get our 4 stone soon hun...keep up the good work x
Eeeee!! Congrats to everyone doing so well, can't believe you have nearly 4 stone off already, Lauren! Me, you & Sherri must weigh about the same (I had a sneaky weigh this morning & was 13 2.5, so I need 3lbs to get into the 12s, too! It'll also be my 3 stone & halfway point! Can't bloomin' wait!
Hi all,
Does anyone doing the wii zumba find it good for helping with weight loss? Have just been looking at the game on ebay and watched clips on youtube, think Id enjoy doing it a couple of nights a week and would be a nice break from the power walking.
Erin - u 3 should have a little comp :) fingers crossed for those 12s and halfway point :)

Bindi - Zumba for the wii is fab fun! Sure it would be good for losses too :) xx
If we have a comp then I'm not gonna win, I ate 3 Daim bars yesterday lol! There my fave :'(

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Me either! I had a bag of chips before the bar last night! Then some drinks and then another chip on the way home lol x
5lbs lost for me this week! :D Back to where I was before "the great binge!" lol.
Well done Erin! That's great! I'm looking at 5lb on ATM after last night lol!
it wont be as bad as that Lauren'l have a loss ..just you wait n see x
Aw I hope so! I have to go to a Wednesday class this week with the way work is falling! I'm on now right through till Wednesday! Will be so glad to see next weekend as I have Friday Saturday and Sunday off!

I'm feeling a bit down at the moment! Just feeling like everything is getting a bit on top of me! I'm working mad hours at the minute trying to keep a house and spend time with the boys! On top of that I'm worried about money! I won't get a full months wages till the end of august! The cars tax and mot is up next month plus I have the boys school uniforms to get and their birthdays at the start of September! Then it will be worrying about Christmas and putting oil in the tank! Just seems like a lot!

Sorry for the moan but just needed to get it out! I'm sure it will be ok! I just wish I wasn't such a worrier!!!
Thanks Lauren, hopefully you'll get away with it! :) I know it's easier said than done, but try to concentrate on the good things, there'll always be money worries (unless you win the lotto!), but you'll get through them & will forget about all the things you worried about. Cheer yourself up by thinking about all the weight you've lost! Find something about the house that weighs close to what you've lost & be amazed! Also, you're out of that awful job and into the next phase of your life. :)
Well done Erin!!!!!

Sherri and Lauren - I'm sure u can both pull that back!!!!

Lauren - u are wonderful n sensible and worrying is good coz it means that u are on top of it and in control! Hope wed WI is lucky for u :) xx
I konw how you feel Lauren...its hard this time of year what with uniforms etc and I am only on half pay july and august too.....things will get better and it's still quite a while to Christmas..although I am goin to start picking little things up now and putting them's the only way I can afford it....hope you get agood loss at wi hun x
Well done erin! That's brilliant! Have u been trying the lunch box thing?
Lauren keep ur head up petal, its a long term gain. Everyone struggles with money at times but things always work themselves out in the end xxxx

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No Sherri, don't think I'd be able to pull off the lunch box diet at work, as I literally only get one 30 minute break (even on a 12 hour shift!) and the rest of the time I am behind the bar, or walking in and out of the kitchen, so wouldn't be allowed to have a lunch box anywhere to pick at it. I might try it when I eventually work up enough time to take a week off! :) It seems to be working wonders for you though, hun!
Hey girls! I am back to it 100% today! Am wrecked! Have a 2-3 hour break later, have a Hugh ironing basket but am tempted to lye down an hour instead of doing the ironing lol
Enjoy your break Lauren and have a lie down!

Oh my god, guys. I had a sneak peak at the scales this morning. I don't even remember ever seeing 12 stone anything on the scale, so happy!!!!!!!! :D :D :D


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Excellent Erin :) go you must feel so good-last time I saw the 12s was just after I had my son- almost 9 years ago!!!!! I will get there!!!