Just to add to the Mayo debate! At home we have low fat mayo which is only 1pp per tablespoon, however I was round at my sister's for lunch the other day and had to use her full-fat stuff and looked at my book when I got home to find it was 3pp per tablespoon! Shocking!!
Yeah, comfort eating has ruined my life! lol. Once I lose this weight I am gonna have to limit myself to a treat once a week and on special occasions only! You're doing really well, though! BMIs are probably the most important thing health-wise, rather than just a random number on the scales to aim for.
As for the job front, I just graduated with a Masters degree in Animal Behaviour & Welfare, so I'm really hoping to get a PhD (3 year paid degree) somewhere, but with funding being cut with the new government and the recession on, it is SO hard to get even an interview. People in similar positions are even getting turned down for volunteer jobs & I've been rejected by loads of unis and even things like office jobs, or working part-time in a video shop! So it's quite disheartening, it's a bad time to be unemployed, or recently graduated, but I know I'll get there in the end, as with the diet, I just have to soldier on!