Well its the dreaded weigh in day again! After my 4lb loss last week, I expect to have regained it tonight. I have had a cycle of good week, bad week, good week, bad week for quite some time now, and its quite annoying.
My nasty binges have been at bay again, I think it was the stress of moving house that triggered it a bit. So thats a relief, but my general eating has just been lazy, and poor choices. Had a couple of take-aways for no good reason... lots of chocolates too. Cooked a disgustingly fattening lasagne with garlic bread and banoffee tart for afters on new years day. I'm determined to not beat myself up, and to move forward. So a gain is fully expected, and I can move forward from wherever I am at.
I hope to be safely in the 14s by valentines day, thats what I'm working on as my first priority. Its a real landmark for me, its the weight category where I am no longer embarrassed to say what I weigh. 15s still sounds bad to me, 14s not so much

So including tonight, 7 weigh-ins. I will set myself a more specific goal tonight once I know what the damage is. I get such a feeling of dread going to weigh in, and its a zillion times worse when I have been off plan, so I am going to really try and minimise my stress, stick to plan, and try to learn to look forward to weighing in.