Very back on track! Had a good loss last week and gunning for a good one this week. Weighing on sat now instead of fri.
How you getting on Teri?
Well done on run Lindsay/Lindsey/lindsy/Lin....
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Yeah ok. Had big fat takeaway Monday Grrr so hoping to get a sts not a gain but we will see x
Well if you've been super good for the rest of the week and before the BFTakeaway then you may even see a loss
I'm hoping the extra day of this week will result in a fab loss for me. Will sample sat weigh ins for a while and see how I get on !
Hi Lindsayxx
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All good here ... The day is nearing a close!!!
Well stood on scales and more weight gone ..10st 1lb todaythat's a loss of 3.6 pounds in January x
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Couldn't sleep - have weighed and lost 2.6 lbsso I have now lost 50.1 lbs!!!
This may change if I weigh later but for now I'm happy with that
Total loss for jan is... 15lb!! Super dooper!
I'm loving this plan and all the support... Thanks guys xxx
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