So HELLO everyone! I'm back after a slightly extended Christmas :break_diet:
Had a lovely time but it feels like I'm really more than ready to get back on the wagon. Had some interesting developments on the weight front too!
Basically I going to have one more fast day on 23rd but couldn't due to meal out, so had to do my weigh in as originally planned on 21/12. As I hadn't WI for 3 weeks I was very supprised to see that I only had only lost 2lbs!! Taking me to 13st 6 - or so I thought (more about that in a bit) I then looked at what had happened in November and realised that most of my losses occur after all my hormones are out of he way in the latter part of month so deduced that if xmas and new year wasn't about to happen I would probably have dropped another 3-4lb, so wasn't too worried.
Anyway just to check it wasn't my pesky scales playing up (they are old, cheap mechanical ones) I went out and bought some super duper Salter ultimate accuracy scales. They weigh in 1/8 lb increments - amazing! Well imagine my horror when I jumped on and they weighted me SIX POUNDS HEAVIER!!! Argh. So I went to try my my mum's digital scales and same thing, 6 LBS HEAVIER THAN I THOUGHT! Was so not impressed, raging might be a better word. However once I had calmed down I realised that it was better to be 'in the know' and accepted my new heavier reading!
So I thought I started xmas at 13.6, really I was 13st 12

. So I had 8 days of uninterrupted eating from 23rd - 30th dec up until 5pm. I then did a fast until 5pm in new years eve before a buffet, which I didn't hold back on. My next fast day is tomorrow, then from next week onwards I intend to do mondays, wednesdays, and fridays. The friday fast will be from 5pm thurs to 5pm Fri and I will eat what I want after 5pm Fri. The monday and weds ones will be 24 fasts then 500 cals. Hope that makes sense.
So anyway scores on the doors at the end of December after my mammoth 8 days eating session were 14st (still boo-hooing about the new large figure on he scales!) So that means no gain, but no loss for December. I basically lost 2lbs then put it back on again. Am strangely ecstatic about this though. I haven't been to the gym since the 21st. Have eaten, drunk and been very merry all for a 2 lbs gain. Would easily be 7lbs usually. Then I'd eat all though Jan as I would be so depressed about it ha ha!
I'm now embracing the daily WI now I have accurate scales! I'm loving seeing my weight change by 1/8 or 1/4 a pound a day, I've already lost half a pound so far this week so hoping Friday morning weigh in will show a loss. Decided not to do monthly weigh ins now I have my amazing scales!
So thats me in a nutshell. Hope everyone else has had a more successful December weight loss wise. I so feel so happy and optimistic about the year ahead though. Last year I was a stone heavier than I am now and it took me until Feb to join slimming world, then lose a stone and then put it all back on plus more - I know that will not be happening this year!
I just have to keep reminding myself that my true weight when I started Judd was 14st 8 not 14st 2 like I thought
So tomorrow I am planning to hit the gym - and Jan I'm hoping to lose 6 lbs bringing me to 13st 8 lbs (real 13st 8 this time
