Lous diary - onwards and inwards!

Ooh clinical specialist - fancy! This guy just sounds better and better :D:D

Hope the cravings went away - maybe you're relaxing it as you know you'll be coming off plan on Friday? That's what I tend to do subconsciously

Morning peeps! Yeah, I think I need to be super focused and because I know I'm having the night off on Friday I'm getting a bit lazy with the rules, it's also hard as I'm at home all week this week.

How's everyone today? Have you had any weird carb cravings yet belle? I don't particularly like beans on toast but would have done anything for some last night. Think James may think I'm weird, I spent most the night talking about food and getting him to tell me in detail about everything he's going to cook for me! Oops.

So - it's weigh in day today but I'm scared of the scales! X
woop woop - 4lbs off this week. Love updating my tickers, I'm such a loser but we all are so go us!

Am now only a pound from my 7.5 stone award, hopefully that'll be in the bag for next week and then I aim to not lose it over Christmas or New Year x
Food for today...

1045 - milky coffee
1200 - toffee shake
1500 - strawberry shake
1900 - chilli and mushrooms
2100 - chicken

Must find some motivation to write Christmas cards x
Morning peeps! Yeah, I think I need to be super focused and because I know I'm having the night off on Friday I'm getting a bit lazy with the rules, it's also hard as I'm at home all week this week.

How's everyone today? Have you had any weird carb cravings yet belle? I don't particularly like beans on toast but would have done anything for some last night. Think James may think I'm weird, I spent most the night talking about food and getting him to tell me in detail about everything he's going to cook for me! Oops.

So - it's weigh in day today but I'm scared of the scales! X

I had the beans on toast thing!!! Good luck
Day 23.

Well another day off work today, am off Christmas shopping in town later but I've got no desire what so ever, I don't feel Christmasy at all and am just a bit blah about it. Also... What do I get James? We've only known each other a few weeks but would like to get something, but what? Wah!

Am struggling with my brother too, it's his birthday on 17th, so need 2 lots of presents for him, he's just sold his house and temp living back at parents, so no point getting house / kitchen stuff.

Corr I'm such a moaner today, sorry! X
Food for today

1000 - shake
1430 - shake
1830 - chilli and mushrooms
2030 - 1 egg and a smidge of smoked salmon *cheat*

Back from Xmas shopping with a new dress and 2 pandora charms for myself, oops. Two new ones are either side of the L, purple one is my 7 stone award (i buy one per stone) and the other is from a gift voucher my brother gave me last year!



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Haven't got any hun, distracted myself by trying on dresses for tomorrow night.

Help please... Colour doesn't really show but first two are dark red, last one is black... Thoughts please


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Thanks everyone... The second and third are most comfortable to wear, but the first is probably going to be the winner.

Day... 24!! Am coming off plan tonight for dinner but am only going to have 1 glass of wine and hopefully just a main course, I'm so excited, I want to start getting ready now and it's not even 9am.

Plan for today..

1000 - shake
1400 - shake
1900 - actual food!!!

Straight back on it tomorrow morning though x
Another bonus of s&s... Makes the fridge so much easier to clean as its virtually empty!! Xx