Love Love Love Food: My food Diary

Thanks Hannah. To be honest it depends how busy I am but I find I'm hunger when I have porridge. Probably makes no sense at all but if I have carbs for breakfast I'm really hungry by 11am. Fruit yogurt + eggs keep me going longer. I'm strange!
I think I should try to have fruit or scrambled egg for breakfast! Weetabix and porridge are getting a tad boring.

Keep up the good work!! :D
Yeah I struggle with breakfast as it always seems to be the same thing.
Your doing well so far, keep it up
Wednesday 11th May 2011 (green day)

B: Banana strawberries grapes nectarine & yogurt

L: sweet chilli noodles 2x toast & butter (hex b & 3 syns) 3 satsumas, grapes

D: Jacket potato & cheese (2 hex a) 2 pears.

Snacks: alpen light (3 syns) oaty biscuit (3.5 syns)

Drinks: diet pepsi tea

Total syns: 9.5
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Sunday 29th May 2011

WI: 178lbs

Been a really bad couple of weeks totally off plan. Found it really hard getting back on track after my wee holiday but if I'm going to meet target on time I need to get my backside in gear and do something about it. No more excuses.

B: yogurt & grapes

L: 2 sausages (4 syns) 3x Bacon 2 eggs 2 toast (hex b) baked beans. Grapes

D: batchelors pasta & sauce (1 syn)

Snacks: skinny cow icelolly (5 syns)

Drinks: cup of tea (milk from allowance), water,

Total syns: 10
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Monday 30th May 2011

B: fruit salad & natural yogurt

L: ham turkey, cream cheese (1/2 hex a) tomato cucumber sandwiches (5 syns & hex b), grapes 2 satsumas yogurt

D: sausage stovies (sausages 2 syns carrot potato onion turnip)

Snacks: fruit salad & yogurt, grapes, ice lolly (2 syns) alpen light (3 syns)

Drinks: water tea (milk from allowance)

Total syns: 12
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Tuesday 31st May 2011

B: 2 eggs ham pear & banana

L: ham turkey cream cheese(1/2 hex a) tomato cucumber sandwich (hex b & 5 syns) 2 satsumas yogurt

D: Thai chicken cakes potatoes salad (lettuce cucumber tomato peppers spring onion sugarsnap peas) sweet chilling sauce (2 syns)

Snacks: pear grapes curluwurly (6 syns) strawberries blueberries & yogurt snack a jacks (5 syns)

Drinks: water, tea (milk from allowance)

Total syns: 18 syns. Not great but I have a few left over com earlier in the week. Chicken cakes need more flavouring
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Looking good Kerry!!

Keep up the good work! I know you've struggled (along with me) over the past couple of weeks but at some point we were on a roll! Lets get back there! I know you can do it!

What's your plan for today??
Thanks Hannah, I'm trying hard.

Wednesday 1st June 2011 (green day)

B: porridge (hex b milk from allowance) blueberries & banana. 2 x toast (hex b & 5 syns) jam (2 syns)

L: tuna salad (4 syns, its a guess for now), jacket potato & cheese (hex a)

D: scrambled egg & beans

Snacks: pear, sw chips

Drinks: tea (milk from allowance)

Total syns:11
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Thursday 2nd June 2011

B: 2 slices ham, 2 yogurts blueberries

L: turkey ham cream cheese (part of hex a) tomato sandwiches (hex b & 5 syns), blueberries satsuma

D: jacket potato beans & cream cheese (remaining hex a)

Snacks: cereal bar (homemade 4 syns) 2 cookies (8 syns)

Drinks: water

Total syns: 17
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Looks good! Like you said random breakfast, but the main thing is you stayed on track even when your planned breakfast got eaten by someone else!! So well done!!! :D:D:D
Friday 3rd June 2011 green day

B:rice crispies & milk (6 syns & hex a) banana

L: pasta with pesto & 3 cream cheese (part if hex a & 4 syns), satsuma

D: lentil soup 4 x toast & 2 cream cheese ( 2 hex b & remaining a)


Drinks: water

Total syns:10
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Saturday 4th June 2011 green day

B: porridge (part hex a & hex b) strawberries & blueberries

L: lentil soup 2x toast (hex b) cream cheese (remainder hex a) yogurt grapes

D: pilau rice & sweet chilli sauce (4 syns) yogurt grapes

Snacks: banana chilli snack a jacks (4.5 syns) 28g cheese (hex a)

Drinks: water

Total syns: 8.5
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Had 3 green days this week but haven't had enough sf on those days. Must try to increase amount on green days as I tend to use them as an excuse not to eat any veg.

Doing well with drinking water and have really enjoyed the.ham & turkey sandwiches this week and also enjoyed the lentil soup. Chicken cakes were a major disappointment as they were a pain to make not having a food processor. Need to think of alternative breakfasts as I'm so bored with porridge and toast.Hoping for 3lbs off tomorrow but will be happy with 2. Fingers are well and truely crossed.
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Sunday 5th June

WI: -2lbs

B: grapes & natural yogurt

L: cheese (hex a) ham turkey tomato & cucumber sandwiches (hex b & 5 syns) pear

D: roast chicken oven roasted carrot & potato, mash carrot turnip & potato, cabbage & gravy (0.5 syns)

Snacks: 2 small slices homemade pizza (3 syns) homemade muffin (5 syns)

Drinks: water, coffee

Total syns: 13.5
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Monday 6th June

B: porridge (hex b & part hex a) pineapple mixed berries

L: chicken bacon pasta salad.

D: sausages (3 syns) bacon egg potato carrot turnip cabbage (sort of bubble & squeak)

Snacks: banana, yogurt, pear, scrambled eggs & 2x toast (10 syns)

Drinks:water, coffee tea

Total syns: 13
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Tuesday 7th June 2011

B: porridge (hex a & b) banana & pear

L: chicken & bacon pasta salad, grapes yogurt

D: noodles sweet chilli sauce (2 syns) pear grapes blueberries yogurt

Snacks: satsuma 1/2 bag ready salted crisps (4.5 syns) alpen light (3 syns)

Drinks: water tea

Total syns: 9.5
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Wednesday 8th June 2011

B: scrambled egg & ham, pear satsuma

L: turkey ham cream cheese (hex a) tomato cucumber sandwiches (hex b & 5 syns) blueberries & cherries

D: homemade meatballs pasta bake (3 syns for cheese)

Snacks: pear satsuma banana sweet chilli snack a jacks ( 4.5 syns)

Drinks: water

Total syns: 12.5
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Thursday 9th June 2011

B: porridge (hex a & b) banana

L: ham & coleslaw salad roll (10 syns)

D: chicken curry & rice (6 syns)

Snacks: pear

Drinks:water coffee diet urn bru

Total syns: 16. Slightly over but syns from earlier in the week.
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