Saturdday 2nd July 2011
B: 3 bowls weetos & milk
L: cheese and coleslaw ciabbatta, chips and mayonnaise, bottle of lager
D: nachos with salsa sour cream guacamole, cajun chicken burger & bun, chips, new york cheesecake, 2 bottles lager
This week has been absolutely pants. Started off fairly well with a few green days and I really enjoyed them, might try a few more this week. Then I seemed to hit the self destruct button. I must have had about 2 weeks worth of syns in 3 days. I just cant seem to get my head into the right place and today i didnt even try to do any damage control. It is so depressing that after 6 months I have only lost 6lbs.
I had set target for my birthday and i dont know whether to laugh or cry about that now as i am at least 2st away from target. Am wondering whether I should reset the board and start afresh from here on out, focus on what I want to do and can achieve, not on what I have failed to do so far. I feel like such a failure. The new clothes I bought in size 12 are now starting to feel tight andd the thought of going up a size again mekes me want to cry but doesnt seem to stop me eating all the wrong things:cry: