It does make perfect sense. I feel that way too , not even feel but I know. I never hated myself being big. Or hated some part of me - I love myself , always have had. Could not really see myself big , mind tricks
What you reminded me and I had forgotten is that my big fat soft spot have saved my life once. Dont know how I could forgot it. Anyway - it was back home , at Valentine Day about 6 or 7 years ago. I was at my max weight 160 kilo. Me and my friend had nice day out, we went to see frozen waterfall as they are looking amazing and wanted to do some photos as well. Walking on ice and one moment ice break and I fall trough it. Thanks for my big behind I was stuck in hole. Everyone in my country knows what to do on ice when ice breaks so I got myself on my belly, arms as wide apart as possible and started to crawl out of the hole. lucky for me, ice was strong enough to carry me. When I got out I looked at that hole I was stuck. Thing was I did not get wet. Strange feeling btw- when you brain tells you it will be wet and so cold and then your body dont feels it - one of the life time feeling. And the reason why I did not get wet was that the water was so low, about 2m apart from ice. If I would drop down I would die, because there would not be any way for me to get out. I would have died under in ice tunnel.
After that I stop dieting for some time, I was so grateful for my behind for being so big. This must been my lesson. Be grateful what you have =) Ofc - you could say maybe if I would not be so big, maybe then I would not even drop trough the ice first place. Yes maybe - but I did , and my arse saved me

I loved my arse before that , but after that I could write a song about it , lol - thats how great it is