So down 08.lbs over night. Coffee with some MCT late morning.
A slice of cheese ( no carbs 120 cals) and a desert spoon of pork, veggies and rice early afternoon while cooking for Mr AG, who is feeliing lousy at the mo.
I have cleaned the airbnb, answered lots of parish council emails, had a few conversations and then video calls wiith some women who'll be joning my women's group.
I am astonished to find it is 6.15pm and I haven't eaten more. I do drink Lidl diet cola XX (like pepsi max) during the day. Being busy really helps delaying eatiing. when I delay eating I eat less. So now I never eat at breakfast time, so one meal removed. The rest of the time I eat twice and sometimes once. today I broke fast with maybe 200 or 250 calories and a few carbs in the rice.It didn't spike my hunger so that was good. it probably would have caused an insulin action.
It'ss been helpful listening to Dr Jason Fung. Today, he descrbed obesity as a disease of insuliin and a pro cancer disease ( the cells uses food as encouragement to grow) as it makes some cancers (eg breast cancer in women) more likely. I found that very motivating - as my mum and other women in my family have had breast cancer. I knew this before - but somehow what he saiid really hiit home today.
I am definitely hungry now. I'll have chicken, leek (lower carb than onion) and cabbage I roasted 2 days ago with the pork for my meal. I may have some high protein ice cream too if I fancy it. Ediited to add: I had homegrown chopped lettuce too, with some mayo, and tossed wiiith hot cabbage and chicken and no leek. This week, my protein is chicken breast. So I'm lowering the fat to see if I still feel full. I did have some fat - cooking the chicken and a spoonful of mayo. No protein icecream as I was full.
Back to over 30lbs lost - and soon - later this week I'll be less than 100lbs to go!
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