Silver Member
Loved your bus story! it's very similar to how I discovered that my boyfriend had window cleaners, I'd just gotten out of the shower and was moisturizing and boom, there's a window cleaner...I was like "crap crap crap" so I ran into the living room boom, there's another one...ended up back in the bathroom in stitches.
Awww! I'm gutted your CDC isn't here! you're my Monday weigh in buddy, when I get back from mine the first thing I do is go check how you did!
I think I may have to copy you with the slim into clothing item, how much were the shorts? I'm not sure, I really want to slim into a hollister dress but at the same time I'm worried that I may never actually be that size, you know? like I might reach a point when my body has given pretty much everything, or that once I loose weight maybe my proportions won't be right for it.
Ha ha ha ha ok your story is way more embarrassing than mine LOL
Well i think its just for this week its going to be on a tueday and back to monday next week, i woke up now thinking yay wi day then remembered its not
Thats why i thought i was being crazy buying the shorts cos what if i dont ever fit in them but thats why its good i bought them cos i want to get in them its like a target for myself, its a size 12 not a petite tiny size 12 just a normal 12 so im going to get in them and wearing those shorts will be my after photo