So i have figured out the hardest part of this diet now.... the loss of my social life =( Its difficult enough to stay in but when your friends get upset with you for not going out like you did before upsets me a little.. I know i can go out and not drink and given time i will but i know myself and im not ready to go out and face the temptation yet because i KNOW i will have a drink then another and it will end up in a full blow out with fast food as always.. Why dont people understand this??? They keep saying a weekend off will do you good and you cant diet forever... i dont plan to diet forever but i do not want to cheat yes i miss going out but i want to get healthy more.. Its not forever and part of me wants to do my journey with out cheating because i want to work hard on getting to my goal so i will appreciate it more when i achieve it and i would NEVER want to put myself through this again even if it means losing some friends along the way i guess. Its so easy for them to say have a break you deserve it when they have not been over weight a day in their life!! Any ways just needed to get that off my chest.
5th WI tomorrow eek =)