- that's a wee embarassed face cos I don't feel I should be getting so much praise - but thank you, thank you all the same.
The only reason I am having to resort to this diet is because I had been having absolutely NO discipline around food at all for months - and had been like an eating machine. If I really was a saint, I wouldn't be in this place.....
the thing I don't get with me is that when I go into "diet head" I am very disciplined but maintenance clearly doesn't have the same ring to it or something - maybe I have to think of it like a different "diet" - one that I am allowed a few more points. The other issue with me is that I stopped weighing myself when I had put on 5lbs because I was so annoyed and then when I next stepped on the scales it was 10 then it was 14

(clearly there was a gap between those weigh in's)
Well, survived the Indian. The poppadums and the naan bread were the hardest. I ordered chicken shashlick - and got a starter portion...do you think they were trying to tell me something!!! Couldn't be bothered waiting for them to cook more so just had that - and to be honest, it was enough (from a filling me up point of view, not from a wanting to eat it point of view though)
Tonight, my father-in-law's brother and family are coming for dinner - he has not seen him in 13 yrs not because of a fall out or anything - just cos they never made the effort. My OH arranged it as a surprise....when he told his dad that Dave was coming over on Friday, his dad said "Oh, What for?????" WTF!!!! You've not seen him in 13yrs man.....and you ask "What for"
So, pa in law and step mum in law have taken over the kitchen. The menu for tonight is another curry (home made), freshly made pakora - which was being done now which is why I am in a different room on the computer...the smell was heavenly - and then apple & sultana crumble with cream, ice cream or custard.
Me, I'll be having a stir fry and a foodpack made into crisps. I so want to see a 9 on the scales tomorrow and have shifted half a stone in 2 weeks. I feel much better, so fingers crossed.