Thank you. How are you getting on?Wow well done you, I have only been on LP for 3 weeks, and I have to say your before and now photos are very motivating.
I feel great! Thank you. Bet you're chuffed with last week's lossGreat loss, both in your numbers and 'the mirror aint gonna tell a lie'. Bet u feel much better too.
Keep it going.
Thank you. Does the dress look ok? xxlooking great well done x x
Thank you How are you getting on?Wow! Great progress; well done!!
Good luck
Thank you How are you getting on?
It's okay haha! Thank you, yes I'll be wearing it to the funeral on Friday. I really admire you for losing so much weight on your own, you're doing so well xxhaha replied to the wrong comment yeah the dress looks great, is that what you're wearing for the funeral? looks perfect to me x x
It's okay haha! Thank you, yes I'll be wearing it to the funeral on Friday. I really admire you for losing so much weight on your own, you're doing so well xx
It's a lifestyle change as opposed to a diet Me too, I'm so worried about the journey though as I keep being ill and where I drink so much water I need a wee every 5 minutes, dreading it! Going to be in the car for 6-7 hoursthanks hun it just made the most sense to me. I've lost weight on several different diets that involve restricting food groups or food altogether lol, I do really well and get to or near my goal weight, then go back to eating normally and gain it back in no time this way I'm hoping that wont happen as I'll be continuing to eat healthy stuff mainly.
really hope the funeral goes ok x x
It's a lifestyle change as opposed to a diet Me too, I'm so worried about the journey though as I keep being ill and where I drink so much water I need a wee every 5 minutes, dreading it! Going to be in the car for 6-7 hours
Yeah I might have to just drink the bare minimum, no we're not staying, we're driving the 350+ miles there in the morning then driving back the same evening. Going to spend half the day in the caroh no, you'll have to slow down on the water on Friday. wow thats a long drive! hopefully you'll stop off a few times. are you staying over? x x
Yeah I might have to just drink the bare minimum, no we're not staying, we're driving the 350+ miles there in the morning then driving back the same evening. Going to spend half the day in the car
Yeah, I'm kind of half-tempted not to go, even if I survive the car journey, I don't know how long the funeral is going to be and honestly I get really anxious about the idea of being stuck sat in one place for too long and I feel really uncomfortable about the whole thinggosh that will be difficult, all them hours in the car. good luck x x