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Here to sub and say hi
Bloody hell, i don't think i could do a 70hour week. That is mighty impressive and equally mental! My other half used to do a 60 hour week and I hated it! We never had any time to see each other.
Congratulations on getting engaged, have you been with your other half long? Have you got a date set in mind for your wedding?
In regards to batch cooking things I do to freeze are cottage pie, diet coke chicken, campfire stew, bolognese sauce, chilli, lasagne to name a few. I need to do a bit of batch cooking at some point too! Like you, I usually have leftovers for the next day or day after as I never seem to have the time to prepare anything in a morning!
Sorry, think I'm on reserve tank of energy so it's all hyped up haha..need a power nap! Yeah I'm so over my work tbh, been here 5 years and they are a nightmare, fingers crossed I ace my interview Tuesday so I can get out ASAP. At the moment me and James (my OH) dont live together, 2015 xmas we were living together lodging but got kicked out over xmas and the only place he could find was a 1 bed for a 12 month lease so he took that and I went back to mums for the year so now its 2016 we'll be moving back in together, just got to save some more ££!
We have been together for just over 3 years, It was our 3 year anniversary at the end of November and he proposed then
Never thought of cottage pie! That could be a good one! and LOVE me some diet coke chicken, never heard of the stew so will have to check that out! Thanks so much for the suggestions