Lucy's Atkins Diary :)

LOL, Lucy, I wonder where she's been. Morning :)
A very busy day today. And expensive! Lawnmower and almost complete new wardrobe for son bought, lawn cut, wheelbarrow assembled (cue much muttering and FFS-ing). Still 3 hens in coop :). Now I'm ready for bed :\
Morning Lucy... amazing news about Shaggy!! I'm just stunned that she came back - usually they get eaten or abducted ... hope you have a good day! :)
Thanks Di!

Well in other news I seem to have very much stalled (at 2lb up from where I was a couple of weeks ago), but it's definitely my fault... let's call it carb creep :eek:. Evenings are still a real problem for me, I can do clean and green all day absolutely fine, but as soon as I'm alone in the evening things just go to pot. Whether it's just eating too much legal food (within carb limit but waaaay over the top on calories), or going off the boil completely on illegal foods (waaaaay over carb limit) it's certainly out of control at the mo. I really need to sort this out. I know it's because I don't seem to have a minute for myself right now, and as soon as I get a bit of relax time my mind immediately turns to food. I'm hoping that when the kids go back to school and the normal routine resumes it will be a bit easier. So feeling a bit down now, sorry for whinge :(.
Ahhh, sorry to hear you are having a bit of a rubbish one. I have avoided the dreaded carb creep so far, but still remember that feeling of losing control from my previous lives doing Atkins and LL.

I am not sure what to suggest to get your mojo back, as it is all down to how you feel... just don't beat yourself up, that doesn't help anybody. It sounds like a cliche, but throw your hands up, shrug your shoulders and just put it behind you. C'est la vie. :)

Now - onto the more important business of getting back to it. Go and grab some proteiny treats from the supermarket - roast and chop up a joint, grab some meaty finger food, and some bags of green salad and bottles of mayo... have everything to hand so you never have the excuse to eat anything else...


SD xx
Thanks Doris! My fridge is rammed with all of the above, it's just my devious "crooked thinking" voice that pipes up at night and the last thing I fancy is more protein/greens, especially as it's not actual hunger! I know it's all down to me, it's silly coz in the cold light of day I know that having that extra whatever wasn't necessary, it's completely emotional eating. I need to find more distractions for evenings. Anyway, how's it going for you? Has the K fairy moved in yet?! :)
Ah, good old crooked thinking. I really should dig my old LL books out and re-acquaint myself with the psychological hungers etc... I've not been tempted to blow out yet (well, apart from last Sunday at the cinema! LOL!) but be good to be prepared for those days that will inevitably come when I try to convince myself it's a good idea to do something naughty!

I'm ok otherwise, bit fed up cos weight seems to be creeping back and pee sticks not changing yet but feel ok, not hungry and energy levels ok, so hoping it's just a blip.

Have put my recent food diaries down in my diary thread.. be great to get your input as to whether you think I'm doing anything I shouldn't be!!

SD xx
Well haven't I been a busy girl?! Long straggly bits strimmed (garden, not me ;)) before breakfast, in for bacon and eggs then back out to obliterate the jungle at the bottom of my garden. Covered in stings and scratches but very satisfied! Feeling much better about everything today, stuck to plan 100% yesterday and all in order today. Hope all's well with everyone, will get to diaries when I've made a few phone calls, getting my life sorted! :D x
Yeh Shaggy's back:D. Great to hear!

I do think it's important that your heads in the right place - but also be kind to yourself if your body is making it difficult too! The inital cravings and hunger were really hard and you dont have the habits to support either. I found water my best friend - drink a glass whenever hungry. If still hungry after 10 mins then go ahead and have a legal snack. Took away that instant - i must eat NOW moment and really helped some bad habits and cravings!

Well done and keep going:D
Morning Lucy hope you have a good day :)[/B]
Hi Di! I'm having a massive clearout today - all the garden rubbish, grown-out of garden toys, bits of wood, broken chairs, plus a duff hoover, lawnmower, etc. etc. is being removed! Very liberating! Clear the decks before summer's over. Taking daughter into town to get clothes that fit this morning (they really need to stop growing!).
I need a col cleanse on my place really badly lol ... Well done! :)
It feels great to get rid of stuff. If you don't need it - ditch it/give it away/sell it!! That's my philosophy :) I spent most of this morning getting things in order in the garden. Some very industrial weeding (it's been a while :eek:) and many, many loads to the compost heap. Back hurts now but feeling very virtuous, especially on a Sunday!
Morning Lucy and well done on the weeding! :)
Morning lucy, well done on the weeding LOL
Hiya Lucy:). Gosh weeding sounds like hard work - can you come and do mine please! Will offer legal snacks:D