Lunch Ideas

Boiled baby potatoes in their skins, chopped with fat free fromage frais, garlic powder, chives, spring onion and peas...FIT potato salad and lovely cold.
What's for lunch?

I've got baked sweet potato and normal potato, baked beans and cottage cheese. NOM. :p
Mmmm sounds lavley!
I'm having baked potato with tuna... lazy lunch! Going to make some broccoli and green beans to go with it for my superfree, bit of an odd combo but funny how veg goes with EVERYTHING when your trying to lose weight!
Enjoy your lunch! xxxx
I'm jealous! I loved baked potatoes, but I feel the starchy carb thing doesn't sit well with me just now, so I've had salmon, melon and 0% Greek yoghurt.
Lunch at work?

Hi all, I am really struggling for what to bring to work for lunch having used my HEX B for breakfast. I do EE. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I do cous cous mixed with diced salad and tinned salmon on a bed of salad leaves. Today I've just got a ham salad. Often make the quiche too. Or cold pasta

Theres loads you can do for lunches if you make sure you have the stuff in
The gammon and egg loaf is really nice, if you make it with bacon instead of gammon it's exactly like the filling in a proper quiche.
soup, salad, bachelor's rice, mug shot, spanish omelette, you could have a sandwich filled with a free filling like cold meat and salad for 6 syns
I tend to have salad with anything like pasta chicken prawns noodles or cous cous. Mug shots and fat free supernoodles are quick and easy. I also like leftovers reheated the next day if you have a microwave.
today i am having salad with new potatos and salmon (made extra last night when I did tea).

I make home made chicken and veg soup sometimes but tend to stick to salad with new pots or a bit of pasta. Microwave rice and veggies with sweet chilli sauce, that's the thing with SW I can think of loads to eat ha ha - leftovers from tea are a good option. x x
Salmon Fillets- microwave in water for 10 mins and then take cold with salad bits.
Grilled Chicken - marinade in Paprika and Lemon Juice then grill for 10 mins and serve with Cous Cous, and Salad bits. You can also make a yummy dressing with lime juice, mango and coriander.

Tin of Tuna, Cooked cold pasta, Salad bits, fat free fromage frais, or extra light mayo.

Lunchs are easiest to make sure you stick to 1/3 superfree. You can fill up whatever container you take your lunch in at least 1/3rd with superfree first ( I actually do more like 1/2 usually), and then add in the rest of the stuff.
If you aren't having any carbs with your lunch, you can take a mug shot and have that as well. Just make sure 1/2 your tub is superfree in this case.

My lunch staples are carrots, cucumber, celery, cherry tomatoes and peppers.
The key to work lunches is preparation I think.

Usually I make an extra portion of dinner the night before and take that to work, warm it up in the microwave. And I always take a pudding, (I make two a week and put them in individual pots in the fridge), some sort of HEXB (scan bran cake or Alpen Lights) and a good mix of fruit and veg to snack on through the day.

I've also taken:

  • Pasta and bean salad
  • Couscous and leftover lamb/chicken salad
  • Cooked pasta, raw courgette, mange tout, ham, cherry tomatoes & Laughing lights nuked in the microwave and mixed up.
  • Home made veg Soup
  • Cuts of meat, mini Babybels, and snackable veggies (Tomatoes, cucumber, mange tout, peppers)
  • SW quiche
  • Raw veggies nuked in micro in cling-film covered bowl with a couple of sachets of butter buds, plus whatever meat is left over from a joint.
  • mug shots or pasta-n-n sauce with mushrooms chucked in
  • sushi
I just had to get into the habit of planning a week of lunches on a Friday night, and making sure I had my infamous bag of food ready to go before I do my hair and make up in the mornings. :)
suggestions needed for packed lunches

I am getting a bit bored with lunch at work, any ideas? I usually take SW quiche or Ryvitas with cheese triangles... fruit and water... I am taking flapjacks today SW ones, but any other suggestions would be welcome...

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