flab fighter said:I used to make couscous bread. Ainsley Harriot couscous pack any flavour I think they are free or 0.5 syns for the pack (been a while since did SW) make it up with boiling water as instructions. Beat 2 eggs and add stir til well mixed. Place in microwave container (the chinese takeaway containers are ideal). I put the lid on but don't snap it down place it on top cook for 3 ish minutes. Look underneath the container if it has a wet looking patch it needs longer for the egg to cook. Cut into squares in container put lid on and off to work. Can have it hot or cold. I usually made it before work and it was warm by the time I was ready for it. Have it on its own or with salad. Cube ham in it if you want. I also made free mint dip to go with it. Very low fat natural yogurt with a spoon of colemans garden mint sauce (NOT classic mint as that has sugar in it and has to be synned). Its delicious.
Bobsledwheels said:Do you have a microwave? I sometimes take a jacket potato and ping it for 7 minutes then top with beans and have some salad on the side. Fills me up a treat and it requires no preparations.
I've just started SW this week and always take my lunch in so i'll get the imagination on it and post back when i can think of some morex
Sharloid said:I usually take leftovers! It doesn't have to be what you had for tea the night before because I know that can get boring. Whatever I make for tea, I make an extra portion and free it. Then when I'm rushing in the morning I can just take a box out and take it with me.
It can be anything; veggie burgers, pasta, pizza, mexican veggies to have with some bread. If I'm really rushing I usually just grab a bag of the Bird's Eye steam veg with rice!
I give my husband left overs from the night before for his lunches, I always leave enough to fill a chinese container so you should do the same..spagetti bolognese, chilli & rice, curry & rice, chicken salad, pasta, soup, stew etc
...or if you don't want what you've had the night before start freezing stuff in the chinese containers and label them and the night before work lift out what you fancy to defrost
If I don't give my husband left overs he would easily spend £6 a day on something to eat for lunch so i'm saving money by doing this (over £100 a month)