Lunch Ideas

Maybe they're not the same noodles I'm thinking of then... But I'm fairly sure they are and I've seen people point them wrong before. The nutritional info on my noodles is for 100g and per serving (150g) but that's only half the pack (the whole pack is 300g). I know a whole pack of chicken or curry flavour are about 14pp. Think there's low fat ones you can get too though. There's a thread about the noodles here (Batchelors/McDonnells are the same noodles - ones in the blue pack):

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Haha I must have pointed them completely wrong so! I wouldn't mind but I'm always checking to see if I've got the serving size right!! >=[
Lunch ideas?

Hi all,

Looking for some lunch ideas... I work I'm retail do get bout 30 min per day to eat n wana bring my lunch in to save money and temptation!

Any tips for anything outside of sandwich? I have access to microwave etc

Lunch ideas - help!


I need ideas for lunchtimes. I find I can always think of things for brekkie, dinner and snacks but always get a bit stumped for lunch.

I would love to hear your tips and ideas! :)

Thanks in advance xx
It may sound boring but a simple tuna salad with a balsalmic vinegar dressing has done me the world of good. Pack it full of free salad/veggie type ingredients and top it off with some tuna :) A whole tin of tuna in spring water is only 1pp so you can make a pretty decent sized salad...

Sounds lovely so I've just made one! Added a hard boiled egg and a couple of new potatoes as I needed to use a few points. Wasn't boring at all...i get sick of eating ww frozen meals. Theres not much of them considering how many points they use! Xx
There are some great soup recipes on here. If you have time, you can make a batch at the weekend that would do for a few days of the week. I'm a big fan of leftovers for lunch the next day too. If I make a stirfry, I keep back some of the meat and veg and put it over noodles the next day. If you're at work and can't really cook, the ready cooked egg noodles are great because you can literally heat them in the microwave for 30 secs and chuck the leftovers over them.
It may sound boring but a simple tuna salad with a balsalmic vinegar dressing has done me the world of good. Pack it full of free salad/veggie type ingredients and top it off with some tuna :) A whole tin of tuna in spring water is only 1pp so you can make a pretty decent sized salad...

what u mean; A whole tin of tuna in spring water is only 1pp ,???
i always count 3pp for 1 tin(130gr, drain) in spring water..:confused:
i like with philadelfhia extra. light.and a pitta (good doctor).
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susana78 said:
what u mean; A whole tin of tuna in spring water is only 1pp ,???
i always count 3pp for 1 tin(130gr, drain) in spring water..:confused:
i like with philadelfhia extra. light.and a pitta (good doctor).

Sorry I was going off the smaller individual sized tins. For the standard size it is about 3pp.

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Today I took 3 ryvita crispbreads to work, half a tin of tuna with a philadelphia mini tub mixed in and some cucumber. It was really filling and I calculated it as 7pp. The crispbreads are really good, you can have loads of different toppings for them :)
On the topic of hot food I bought I thermos flask from Lakeland, it was expensive (£21) but is for soups and stews specifically so has a big neck and holds up to 600ml, it keeps stuff hot for up to 9 hours.

Thermos&reg King Flask Food in food & drinks flasks at the home of creative kitchenware, Lakeland

You could probably find it cheaper.

We have microwaves at my work but they are never very clean so I invested in the flask and its the best buy I ever made! I love hungarian goulash soup (4pp per serving and on the ww website). I have that for lunch at least twice a week but also means I can do soup and slow cooker recipes.

It takes a bit of planning ahead as I need to allow about 10-15 minutes (5-10 to heat my food whilst I pop a bit of boiling water in the flask) then another few minutes to decant in the morning before work.

It comes with a spoon and everything and I love it :) and its great in this weather when you just can beat a nice warming lunch.

I like to have a good old sandwich and lots of fruit, in my sandwiches I have,

ham and low fat coleslaw
tuna and low fat mayo
chicken and bacon mayo
ham and cheese salad

all between 6-10 ppoints depending on what bread used

if you have access to a kettle, the pasta pot shots are only about 6 propoints each and the chicken one is very nice

Help ... Lunch dilemma !? what do you eat?

Justas the title says really...
what do you eat for your lunches? Im at home today ive got a chicken mugshot calling my name but they are to heavy on points in my mind.
What are you all having for lunch ??

Im having a tin of WW Tom soup with a couple slices of Warbys danish bread. Maybe a WW bar afterwards.

The WW sliced cheese is handy to have in the fridge too. Good for toasties etc.
thanks everyone :) .... i decided on toast and spaghetti hoops :) xx