Lurk no more, fat no more

It's amazing the muscles we never knew about. Oh glasto amazing! Very jealous are you doing any other festivals because I remember you saying you go around to a lot of different ones.
How's the weight loss going?
Ahhhh what an amazing weekend. Too much fun :)

I do feel very fat though, lots of cider and junk food. Not good for the weight loss!!! But the car park I was in was a bit of a trek from the main site, and apparently I wasn't meant to be living in my van in that car park so I couldn't cook any of my food so had to eat out...bleugh. Ah well I had a good time anyway!! Got a meal plan drawn up for the next week, weigh in on Thursday and I'm curious to see what the damage is!!

Weight loss was doing really good thanks SL - now entering summer, its going to be very, very difficult as I have a lot of festival work/events :( Am going to aim to keep around 13 and a half, and if I lose any and keep it off before the end of summer, I'll be very pleased :)
only 2lbs on during weigh in which I'm super happy with :D had an awful day today eating bloomin' chocolate all morning :( am off to london tonight, no drinking though as I'm driving...going to start again from tomorrow, ready to lose weight. I would love, love, love to get down into the 12's by end of August...
ARGH I don't understand...just tried on some leggings i found from last year, I barely squeezed into them in November, when i was about 15 stone...I'm now 13 and a half and they are no better fitting, in fact I couldn't even get them on. I then tried some more clothes that didn't fit before and although my tops are much better, my bottoms just haven't budged. Its like I haven't lost any weight at all!!! Is my bum going to stay this big, as it just looks bigger and bigger the more weight I lose :( I really don't get how someone can lose 34lbs and still not fit into clothes any better??
Eugh. Ate rubbish yesterday and a bit today too :( going to have a super healthy veg packed dinner...I'm off to work tomorrow and am working super long shifts which is always quite good for getting me back into the swing of things :)
Back on plan today - and looking forward to today's food!!

B - cherries, raspberries, banana, apricot and plum fruit salad with peach soya yogurt (2)
L - stir fried rice with veg
D - veg pasta bake with a side salad (4 Syns for pasta stir in sauce)
Snacks - hummous (HEXB1) and ryvita (HEXB2)
No HEXA today as the supermarket didn't have any choc oat milk :(
First day fully back on plan yesterday and I feel so much better for it. Got more good food lined up for today!!

B - 2 apricots, plum, raspberries and soya yogurt (2)
L - leftovers from yesterday's pasta with some salad (3)
D - jacket spud, 5 bean chilli and salad (2)
snacks - 2x sweet ryvita with jam/marmalade (2), nectarine.
No HEXA again today as still at work and can't get to the supermarket until tomorrow :(
1.5lbs off yesterday at weigh in :) Am super pleased with this!! going to crack on and try to be really good this week to get a good few lbs off next week.

thinking of starting the squat challenge but not sure if i could even do 50??
OK raided the cupboards :)

Just had apricot, strawberry and raspberry salad with peach soya yogurt (2), 2 sweet ryvita with a dash of honey (1/2)
lunch is going to be noodle stir fry which is all free :)
dinner is going to be some SW chips, LM sausages, and beans with ketchup (2)

tomorrow I'm going to do a bit better as I'll have time to get to the supermarket in the morning :)
Been bang on track thr last few days. Feeling very focused and full of willpower to not binge. Got another clear week ahead after weigh in tomorrow, I'd like to see 4lbs gone during these two weigh ins. Thrn only another2.5 until 13 stone and my 3 stone award. I'm determined to do a festival and not gain. Someone at group lost 2lbs so I'm sure I can do it too :)
1.5lbs off last night :) was in a great mood until I got home. I've been in a right funny place ever since. Just feeling like everything in life is crap at the min, and have no escape route. When I'm at work, all I want to do is be at home. But when I'm at home, I get angry with everything. How do you get out of that??
Crap weekend ended up drinking, having a takeaway and eating crisps and bread :/ not good!!

Back on it yesterday though, written out a decent plan for the week ahead. I have a tricky weekend coming up, am going to give it my best though. Am going to find something low syn from boots for me dinner as ill be on the road, I'm hoping there is something vegan and low syn that will fill me up ready for a night out :)
Had an awful weekend off plan. Back on it today - going to work v. Hard over the next week as I'm off on jollies next Wednesday and its not going to be pretty!!

B - blueberries, strawberries, red grapes and peach soya yogurt (2)
L - cous cous, salad, hummous pot (HEXB) & ryvita (HEXB) with encona sauce (0.5)
D - 2 Linda macartney sausages, new pots, corn on thr cob sprayed with butter fry light and salt, and a big salad. Will have some honey mustard on the side (2)
Snacks - rambutan, 200ml chocolate coconut milk (HEXA), cherries
daily syns - 4.5
weekly syns - 4.5/90

starting a new week of syns today as ill be weighing in early next week on Tuesday 6 day week :)
Another good day today :) Went over on my daily syns but will cut back during the rest of the week. My friend came up with some free goodies from Waitrose and I couldn't say no :)

B - strawberries, grapes, blueberries, soya yogurt (2)
L - Hummous (HEXB), salad, 4 ryvita (HEXB), cous cous
D - Beetroot salad (1.5), 2 ryvita (3), Waitrose nutty rice salad (7.5)
S - graze box (9.5), cherries, grapes

Daily syns 23.5/15
Weekly total 28/105
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1lb on at weigh in tonight - I think that is a fair price to pay for the weekend's fun! Upping my exercise and following success express for the next 4-5 days to boost my losses.
Your doing great and seem to be in a good headspace :) as for the 1lb gain - you'll have that gone in no time :D
Let's hope so love :)

Good day today, felt like all I've done is eat!! Success express day to boost my loss.

breakfast - berries and soya yog (2)
lunch - veggie stir fry and noodles
dinner - butternut squash risotto, salad, beetroot, samphire and spinach (2)
snacks - orange, cherries, 2x sweet ryvita, honey (2)


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Hey, I just stumbled on your diary! Vegan high fives, first of all!

Just skimming through and seeing your achievements, you're a real inspiration! I don't know many vegans and I certainly don't know any that I can syphon weight loss knowledge from :)

I'm actually considering SW, how do you find it as a vegan? I've read a lot of mixed reviews about it, but you seem to doing great with it!

Stay cool!

Bron :)
Let's hope so love :)

Good day today, felt like all I've done is eat!! Success express day to boost my loss.

breakfast - berries and soya yog (2)
lunch - veggie stir fry and noodles
dinner - butternut squash risotto, salad, beetroot, samphire and spinach (2)
snacks - orange, cherries, 2x sweet ryvita, honey (2)

This looks amazing!
Hey, I just stumbled on your diary! Vegan high fives, first of all!

Just skimming through and seeing your achievements, you're a real inspiration! I don't know many vegans and I certainly don't know any that I can syphon weight loss knowledge from :)

I'm actually considering SW, how do you find it as a vegan? I've read a lot of mixed reviews about it, but you seem to doing great with it!

Stay cool!

Bron :)

Hey :) welcome!!

I personally find it dead easy being vegan on Slimming World as there is no relianace on pre packaged goods, and you can eat what the hell you like, within reason. All the good stuff is free foods - carbs, veg etc. Only thing that is a little difficult is vegan replacement iteMS (soy yog, dairy free butter, mayo, sausages etc) are all syns as they are not low fat products. Quorn is free sadly but that has bloomin egg in it!! But if you like to cook fresh food each day then it won't be a problem :)

I find i lose weight a bit slower than others in group but I think that's because I rely a lot more on carbs to fill me up :)

Give it a go - will deffo work for you. There is another vegan I've met in a different group to my usual and she's at target now and done really well!
