Hey sorry everyone not been on here in a while been very busy with festivals, work and general crap going on at home. Had a 2lb loss last week which was a miracle...1.5lb on this week but I know exactly where that's from.
I just can't seem to get back into the right frame of mind, feeling really unfocused and craving all the wrong things. Think its because I've been on and off plan all summer doing festival work and events and my C said my body will be out of sync with SW food and will be craving the stuff I've been eating and drinking off plan. Eugh. Got a clear 2 weeks ahead going to try get back into the zone. Had a real bad night after weigh in last night, went out for dinner which was absolutely divine but so so bad for SW. And no SW friendly choices for a vegan as my choice was pretty limited to start with. Ended up having olives, lots of bread, olive oil, mushroom risotto with lots of truffle oil, roasted veg, 3 glasses of wine...lovely food though but really feel fat now.
Hoping today's eats will kick me back into the zone...most of the fresh veg I picked off the allotment yesterday so looking forward to eating it all
B - berries, soya yog, tsp sugar as no sweetener left (3)
L - savoury rice, salad
D - corn on the cob with butter fry light, roasted pots, carrots, broccoli, rainbow chard, gravy, mustard (3)
snacks - hummus and ryvita (HEXBx2), fruit, oat milk (HEXA), choc cereal bar (4)
not sure how much exercise ill get in as I'm working...tomorrow will be better as am off for 6 hours in the day (on call though) so will head to the allotment and get some body magic in