It seems as if all the excitment of last night has manifested into a cold overnight. Woke up with a sore throat and howling cold

So now dosed up, and sucking throat sweets like no tomorrow BUT I lost my I'm wondering do I syn throat sweets? Only ones I got are halls soothers which are 1.5 for 2 sweets...already had three and will probs want another few during the your talking 3-4 syns just for throat sweets

I didn't eat any breakfast as I was in bed, but I had some stir fried super noodles for lunch with a few ryvita sweet crunch and jam...takes me to 3.5 syns for the day, apart from the sweets. Got a lovely free dinner (apart from 'cheese' sauce - 0.5), and still got one HEXB to use...
What throat sweets are lowest in syns? I'm guessing sugar free is best, and I usually have them to be fair bur OH bought me these ones and they are lovely but sugary! He keeps offering to make me honey and lemon too

I want some!! But am determined to lose weight, and if that means dealing with a sore throat, then so be it. I am so focused on losing for my holiday...I hope this keeps up...big loss for next Thursday please! Got lots of exercise planned for the week too as I am skint, and trying to not buy any more diesel this month, so am considering walking into work on monday (not in til 2.30 which is nice!), will take about 60-70 mins...then swimming after shift on tues morning before training, then walk back home...I am hoping this cold has gone by then as it sounds like a good plan and will be good body magic