Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

Hi Ladies

Things are getting very hectic round here now still havent wrapped one single present yet but will have to get on to that the weekend me thinks or I'll be up all night christmas eve again :(

I have put on a lb this morning but totm also started this morning so that could explain that also the fact that i havent done any swimming this week although I did try my first on land zumba class as well as my aqua zumba class up till now I've only done zumba on wii in the privacy of my own home but now I got brave all of a sudden and decided to take a class. :eek:

It was good I was very self concious but I think that will go with time it was also ssooooooo hard as I havent done zumba since about july I dont think and have got very unfit so I was a blundering heap of sweaty huffing and puffing red faced blob by the end of it but at least I completed it and I had my friend with me and she was the same so at least I wasnt the only one

I have at least got all my decorations up and the tree is finished so I am making progress although I still have some shopping to do and christmas is creeping up very fast so as usual i am running out of time never mind I usually get there in the end

Hows everyone else getting on you're all probably a lot more organised than me thats for sure

Have a good day ladies
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Go you! I need to get back at it.
Well done on going public with the zumba!! ;)..I have neglected my zumba dvds for a very long time..might make more of an effort in January..forget the lb hun, it will be off in the blink of an eye...I'm weighing in at nurse on Monday!!!!..then no more until January 6th ( I think!!!)

I'm not as organised as I thought I would be hun, cards are written and posted and almost all the gifts are bought or ordered, most are wrapped, but not food shopping done at all :(..and now today, I too feel its creeping up a rather bit too quickly...and I'm going to be on my usual mad dash next week in the supermarket, going to school pantos, cherub's xmas parties, hairdressers, getting our home ready, collecting a bike from the mainland etc etc..and find time to turn 50!! ha ha...oh dear...and.... breathe...;)

Enjoy your wrapping weekend!! :)
You'll manage. ;)
Oh dear I have negleted my poor old diary

All the christmas shopping was finished on saturday thank god even found some bits for hubby now starts the wrappathon with about 300 presents to wrap we buy too much we always say we'll cut down this year but never do I wrapped about 25 the other day while hubby was at a work do but theres still loads to go as you ladies are all nearly finished perhaps you can come help me ha ha.

Need to do some more wrapping today and lots of cleaning and washing as well I have really let the diet slip now because of all the christmas goodies I will sort it out after christmas I'm just too busy to exercise at the moment so the weight will be piling on :(

I hope Rosies laptop is fixable otherwise she'll have to give up the champers and wholenut habit and save for a new one we cant have minis without Rosie shes part of the furniture now
As I told her on her diary she could ask santa for one if she'd been a good girl
Oh well thats out then ;) We dont even know how her significant birthday went what a time to collapse stupid computer probably couldnt handle all those pictures of half naked artem Mel plus half naked other men was to much for it :)

I am just writing my christmas food list. It seems to get longer each year I have a stroke of luck this year as I always do my christmas shop on the 23rd as if we cant get anything then I have always got christmas eve to go find it.Several years we've had trouble with fresh raspberries which are kind of important when christmas day dessert is homemade raspberry pavlova ha ha . I also always do it at 6am as the shop is quite quiet then and we are usually leaving around 8am when its starting to get heaving.
However this year 23rd is sunday so due to sunday trading hours they are not open till 10am when everyone will be flooding in at the same time anyway my stroke of luck is I work in a pharmacy in the supermarket and our branch is actually open to staff only at 8am on sunday morning although we cant go through the checkout till 10am but at least we will be leaving as everyone is coming in. :)

Anyway I'm sure your all very busy Tranqs drinking the bar dry , Squeezy writing her many lists , Mel by the sounds of it running round like a headless chicken , Kate on the hunt for a man for christmas and finally Rosie has Artem back in the castle so we all know what shes busy doing dont we ;) and me my kids are so excited they are driving me nuts and the devil seems to have taken up residence in the 4 yr old these last few days lets hope he sods off soon cause I cant stand much more of her naughty behaviour.

Have a good day ladies try and find some time for yourselves at this very busy festive time ;)

I saw a really good sign in a shop the other day and I should have bought it really as its so true it said


I thought that was brilliant and definately true in my case

Oh well must go and start or I'll never get going today be back on soon

Have a good day
Hi Pooks. Sounds like you have so much wrapping to do,Im more than happy to pop round and lend a hand providingbthere will be refreshments. ;)

Sound like you do exactly the same as us re the shopping. We do ours about 11.30pm on the 23rd though, for the same reasons. But like you said, with it being a Sunday we are stuffed. We have moved or shopping day to Friday night now. That way we can still shop in the dead of night and still have a couple of days after to get bits that aren't available.
We always, always struggle to get fresh raspberries too. Our boxing day pudding is raspberry and pear trifle so they are very important. Go shopping at a normal time and you can get the blooming things all the time!!

Loving the sound of the sign. Instead.of internet it should say minis!! Xxx
As I told her on her diary she could ask santa for one if she'd been a good girl
Oh well thats out then ;) We dont even know how her significant birthday went what a time to collapse stupid computer probably couldnt handle all those pictures of half naked artem Mel plus half naked other men was to much for it

Sure, blame it on the American! Sigh!

She is probably glued onto Andre and watching Strictly on YouTv or DVD.

I do my Christmas shop on the 23rd as if we cant get anything then I have always got christmas eve to go find it.

Mel by the sounds of it running round like a headless chicken.


I thought that was brilliant and definately true in my case

Oh well must go and start or I'll never get going today be back on soon

Have a good day

I do the same -- I pick up some bits earlier -- but I tend to get what I need on the 23rd. I might be going on the 21st or 22nd if the world doesn't end. The whole tenderloin I ordered arrives that day.

I wish I was running around -- I'm just not bothered! ;)

Hi Pooks. Sounds like you have so much wrapping to do,Im more than happy to pop round and lend a hand providingbthere will be refreshments. ;)

Sound like you do exactly the same as us re the shopping. We do ours about 11.30pm on the 23rd though, for the same reasons. But like you said, with it being a Sunday we are stuffed. We have moved or shopping day to Friday night now. That way we can still shop in the dead of night and still have a couple of days after to get bits that aren't available.
We always, always struggle to get fresh raspberries too. Our boxing day pudding is raspberry and pear trifle so they are very important. Go shopping at a normal time and you can get the blooming things all the time!!

Loving the sound of the sign. Instead.of internet it should say minis!! Xxx

I use Minis and FB and online shopping to avoid accomplishing anything.
lol I am surround by Christmas stress heads *Tranqs is very chilled with just a bit of wrapping to do, a bit of baking, shopping for veg/milk/bread on saturday* all ready well in time for SCD Final 2012 and 13 whole Rotty free days :D
tranquility said:
lol I am surround by Christmas stress heads *Tranqs is very chilled with just a bit of wrapping to do, a bit of baking, shopping for veg/milk/bread on saturday* all ready well in time for SCD Final 2012 and 13 whole Rotty free days :D

Wow! You have two weeks off!? Yay you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Pooks and family.
I think I'll read your book tonight.
Thank you for the christmas wishes naughty pookie didnt have time to go on minis over christmas so only just seen them but hope you all had a wonderful time

I was up till 5.30am christmas eve as predicted then had to be up at 7am to put the turkey in so as usual was a wreck for christmas day ssssooo tired but all went smoothly both days I had 11 for christmas day and 9 for boxing day so it was very noisy and very busy its lovely to be back to just the 4 of us now for a few days then it all starts again for new year celebrations

I have eaten loads and can definately feel it in the belly area but I darent go near the scales I will do that on the 4th or the 11th all depending on how quick we get rid of all the excess goodies after new year I got the new zumba core on wii for christmas and that will help to get me back on track as I cant wait to try it

My husband also bought me the 4th generation ipad I have no idea how to use it or what an earth an app is so I know a lot of you have them anyone prepared to give me a crash course or explain what an app is I would be very grateful

I have to work today then I'm off till the 3rd so thats quite good. I will spend the next couple of days playing with little ones toys Great Fun !!

I will try to get on over the next couple of days but if not Happy New Year to you all
Yay! New iPad! Whoop!

You need to link it to your iTunes. Also go on Amazon and buy "IPad for Dummies" -- very helpful.