Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

Morning Pooks!

What's the plan for today?

Morning lovely pooks! I will miss the 3 hour lie ins but I am sort of looking forward to getting back into the routine of work. And going to the gym before and eating less!

This will be a slim year for us dear, I can tell!!

K xxx

Very upbeat! Good to read! :)
I'm going with weekly weighing and smaller clothing. My next size down jeans are hanging on the back of my bedroom door -- I will try them on Monday (and be depressed, but only after I've weighed so I know I've made progress). I hope to be able to wear those jeans by the end of January. Fingers crossed.
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I'm sure you'll do it Mel and you'll be wearing them by then easy :)

I have been cleaning , cleaning and more cleaning today .We took the decorations down on the 2nd but I was working most of yesterday so it only all got put in the loft last night when I got home God what a mess is left behind when you take them all down . At least downstairs is looking all spik and span I will tackle the upstairs tomorrow Oh well its keeping me out of the sweet tins I suppose ;)
I'm sure you'll do it Mel and you'll be wearing them by then easy :)

I have been cleaning , cleaning and more cleaning today .We took the decorations down on the 2nd but I was working most of yesterday so it only all got put in the loft last night when I got home God what a mess is left behind when you take them all down . At least downstairs is looking all spik and span I will tackle the upstairs tomorrow Oh well its keeping me out of the sweet tins I suppose ;)

Not easy -- but here's hoping. I've got most stuff down, but need to really clean.
I totally know what touch mean pooks. My place looked like a bomb had hit it!! Maybe it's just because Im a lazy bum over Christmas. ;)
I think the trouble is Squeezy its not a case of being lazy its that you cant get to most of it to clean once the decs are out so a lot of it gets left until they come down also I have a village that I set up on a long pine chest of drawers in my hallway which I use that really fine fake snow on, that gets absolutely everywhere plus tinsel , glitter and much more but never mind all gone now and looking extremely tidy and BARE....... love it
I need to wash the windows, dust, etc. I hate trying to do it with everyone in the house.
Hi Ladies

I have been in everyone elses diaries the last couple of days but not my own

I am now on the official countdown to weigh in 3 days to go :eek:

I know its not gonna be pretty :rolleyes: I only have myself to blame but I am definately in the 17's again by my clothes I know that I'm just hoping its in the lower half 17's rather than the upper half I feel so stretched its unreal

Its gotta go again :mad:

Have a lovely afternoon and good luck to all those back on plan :)
Hi Ladies

I have been in everyone elses diaries the last couple of days but not my own

I am now on the official countdown to weigh in 3 days to go :eek:

I know its not gonna be pretty :rolleyes: I only have myself to blame but I am definately in the 17's again by my clothes I know that I'm just hoping its in the lower half 17's rather than the upper half I feel so stretched its unreal

Its gotta go again :mad:

Have a lovely afternoon and good luck to all those back on plan :)

Wherever you start -- we'll be with you until you get where you want/need to go. I was wanting to duct tape my huge muffin top this morning. Ugh!
I've never had muffin top before as my clothes were always loose but as I've got rid of all my big clothes now I have discovered muffin top for the first time not good is it :eek: luckily I still have some slightly too big tops I kept to cover it up

I went to London last night .We went up to see the lights just before christmas which is something of a tradition for us now that we do every year
We drive up to Knightsbridge and park opposite Harrods and go and walk along and look at their windows they were fabulous this year. We then take the bus to picadilly circus and walk down Regents street and Oxford street to see the lights down there, well while we were down there we saw that Scrooge was on at the Palladium . At the start of the week my hubby got tickets for last night so we went up and had a lovely meal and then went and saw the show it was brilliant. :)

On a more sombre note I have 1 day until weigh in then the games begin I think I am ready for it well as ready as I'll ever be. I just hope I can get back on it ok as I didnt have much luck getting back on it after my holiday did I :eek:

Have a great afternoon everyone :)

Oh and great to see Rosie back isnt it ;)