Hi again debbie
thank you for such a lovely post..i feel quite important now!!! hee hee
everyone supports each other on here and many of my friends on here are responsible for keeping me on the straight and narrow too...it has been a huge eyeopener for me to realise that people out there have the same thoughts and fears and expectations as i have..for such a long time i felt very alone! Joining this forum was one of the best things i have ever done
Like a few others on here, we are very alike..woweee, you even have the same good taste in men!!!!! ha ha
Whoever contacted you today to let you know i had left was doing the right thing, because i had 'left', and a few weeks ago i felt i might not even be able to come back..so thankyou to whoever pm'd you, that was very considerate of them! x
as i said, i am returning properly next week, hubby's birthday next tuesday, so i imagine i'll be back..raring to go and ready for a giggle or two next wednesday!
I popped in today to answer a pm that was left for me via the forum, and thought i would answer you at the same time..i am NOT ignoring all my other great friends on here..i'm just giving them all time to adjust their minds in preparation for the return of 'The Rose'
Debbie, you can answer my pm to you by pressing 'reply'..it should work?, don't worry i am still learning all this modern technology stuff too
Have a good day, your words mean so much to me and is just the tonic i need just now..no gin though..i don't like it!
You are doing well, keep it up and here's to you reaching that magic 500 and to us all being slim, successful and sexy!
I look forward to lots more chats with you very soon..and to my fellow passengers on that wagon, get that champers chilled and mr andre placed within my reach...i'm on my way!
p.s..got to say ..i LOVE the name of your thread! ha ha

..thankyou x