just HAD to log on to see if you were near the magical 500!!!
wooohoooo well done, i am so flattered, all this attention will be going to my head! ha ha
have a safe journey to the silver section hun..unfortunately mr andre won't be there to greet you..he was in my part of the world last night!!!!..no SERIOUSLY he was!..so near, and yet so far!!! *sigh*
p.s.......oh, that's it, there is no going back now Debbie, you have been officially introduced to our 'tranqs'..a fully paid up member of the crazy gang....there is no hope for you now..let the craziness commence!...oh and Purple Roses?..bless her, she tries to be sane, but its not working, she is under my spell too i'm afraid!!!..Kate?..beyond help i'm afraid, mad as a hatter, but a wonderful friend hee hee
..you have still to meet Squeezy, Clanger, Rod, Caroline, Jayde, KatieRose, Dawn, and countless others, you'll have seen them on my thread, so don't be shy..they will make you very welcome and look after you very well until i return to my early morning slot next wednesday, yep, early morning, then afternoon and now and again, in the evening too! ha ha
have a good weekend, well what is left of it!