Hi ladies
Ha ha you all thought you'd got rid of that annoying little Pookie didn't you
Nahhh No chance
Have I really not posted since Sunday

my god I must have actually got myself a life ha ha:8855:
Quick update on the exercise front
Sunday - Walking round shops for 3 hrs ( well still counts as walking dont it ) and we walked down to windsor castle and back
Monday - Aquafit and swimming all on my own again as my friend was on holiday how brave am I getting

Tuesday - Housework and walking
Wednesday - About to mow the 3 lawns and do some gardening and then off for 1 1/2 hrs swimming tonight on my own again as friend still away
No Zumba this week as I have soft tissue damage in my knee and it flares up now and again as it has this week and the Zumba makes it worse
It swells and is extremely painful hence all the pool activity this week as that isnt too bad.
Eating wise have been very good this week but scales aren't being very kind to me this week I Know No Scale Hopping :nono: there I've said it for you wont make any difference I will always scale hop.
I think the reason those damn scales are being so mean is due to totm so just hoping and praying

something happens by Friday or I could see my first put on

I never want to put on and I wouldnt be happy but I could accept it if I'd been naughty but not when I've been really good and its due to damn fluid retention.
Fed up with being in the 15's now just want them to go away and to be in the 14's Ha ha patience never was my strong point :giggle: