Hi Pookie, I think you have hit the nail on the head actually with why you are grumpy........your weight loss has slowed and you are at the point of where you normally would give up, but you haven't had your minis friends before and I'm sure we can keep you motivated to continueAlso TOTM doesn't help in the weight loss stakes, which is possibly why you lost 1lb when you were hoping for more.................but 1 lb loss is still a loss and shows that what you are doing is working (I know, I know, not working fast enough) We are all getting older too, which doesn't help and I'm sure you know the more you have dieted in the past the harder it gets each time you revisit losing weight and that's why you have to do it this time, so you never have to do it again
We are all behind you every step of the way and please don't stop coming on here to have a rant and a moan and we will do our best to help cheer you up and keep you going
I'm sure Rose will be here soon to add something witty to help cheer you up
Pooks you will never beat Rosie to the 14's if you are complaining because only 2 packets of butter have been removed from your body this week. Next time you are in the shop pick up those 2 packets of butter and feel how much you have lost. It isn't all about numbers on the scale. You should be proud of your loss however small/large.
We don't do giving up in the crazy gang we carry on regardless lol
As Queen of the wallowers and self pittiers i can tell you this young lady... you. can. do it!!! This week will suck... but next week when you get on the scales and you have had another loss and you havent given up you will feel SO proud of yourself (and we will feel proud of you too!) And then you will get your second wind. The more you worry about the lb's the more they like to stick around just to p*ss you off!
I know you're a fan of the zumba but have you thought about changing your dvd to something else just to shock your body a little. Also i'm not sure if you use your points gained from exercise but the calorie readings on the Wii Zumba seem awfully high. Running at speed (say a five minute mile) and weighing around 200lbs you will burn around 1000 calories an hour and i noticed there are a couple of times that your wii told you more than that for your work out. (pleeeeease dont think i am being a bell end)
Water, flax seed oil/ fish oil and upping your calcium are all supposed to improve the losses we get. I know load of the the theory behind weight loss i am just useless at putting it into practice.
I really hope you start feeling more like your wonderful self soon and please dont think im a knobber!
Hugs xx