Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

Thanks a lot Mel you really are my friend aren't you I think not ;)
Pookie 1999 said:
Thanks a lot Mel you really are my friend aren't you I think not ;)


I'm sorry... But when you pick a name like "Pookie" I suspect you have a terrific sense of humor!
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Dont worry Mel I cant take a lot more than that you get used to it being a big fat lardy butt for over 20 years

Pookie was one of my daughters nick names as a baby so I use it for all my internet/computer stuff have done for years so didnt think twice about it
I quite like the teasing its fun I think thats what drew me to Rose in the first place because our sense of humour is very similar.

So your ok tease away but expect it back cause as I've found over the years a lot of people can give it but they cant take it my MIL is one of those people
Pookie 1999 said:
Dont worry Mel I cant take a lot more than that you get used to it being a big fat lardy butt for over 20 years

Pookie was one of my daughters nick names as a baby so I use it for all my internet/computer stuff have done for years so didnt think twice about it
I quite like the teasing its fun I think thats what drew me to Rose in the first place because our sense of humour is very similar.

So your ok tease away but expect it back cause as I've found over the years a lot of people can give it but they cant take it my MIL is one of those people

Pleeeeezzzzzzeeeeeee -- Can't take it?!!! I have three sisters -- each more evil than the next - and it doesn't matter how you line them up! ;)



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good morning lovely :) how are you doing today?

I reckon we are very alike in many ways my friend, but i have noticed, i seem to be at the receiving end of the teasing, rather than dishing it out? tee hee..funny though! :)

Have a great day x..are you going to tranqs pre birthday bash..possibly tomorrow?
Hi Rosie
How you doing :) have you riden Andre this morning You will lose lots this week Rose.
I dont mind the teasing at all its all part of the stuff , nonsense and fun on here . ;)

It depends on times for the party as monday is Aqua and swim night but you know me never one to miss a party so will do my best and yes Rosie I will bring the pole just for you I know you've become quite attached to that pole *only because you can handcuff men folk to it I know*
yes, we do have the same sense of humour! I don't mind the teasing either, i'd be worried if you lot stopped referring to my spheres etc!!! :)

not been on andre yet hun, i like to keep him waiting! but I did walk for scotland yesterday, the weather was so nice and sunny, we all walked along the beach in the next village, and i did go year, i'll be barefoot and wearing a bikini!! ha ha..eek, maybe not ;)

I hope you can manage if the party is tomorrow? but I am sure you'll all have the official one when i'm away..i just didn't want to miss the if need be, even if tranqs isn't at home tomorrow night, i'll pop in dragging my record collection ha ha...and some cheese and pineapple cubes on sticks, a tray of cocktail sausages, a crate of champers and my dancing boots :)
Morning pooks. I love a bit of harmless teasing. I have 6 brothers so teasing was a very normal part of growing up!

Have a great day :) xxx
Squeezyweezy said:
Morning pooks. I love a bit of harmless teasing. I have 6 brothers so teasing was a very normal part of growing up!

Have a great day :) xxx

Omg! Your poor mum!!!! Poor you!!!!
Thanks Jackie
I do that all the time my memory is like a sieve If I am like that at 45 I keep asking myself what will it be like at 75? :sigh:

They say you lose a little brain each time you have a child after having 5 I think mines all gone :8855:

I seem to be getting worse doing this :8855: we are the same age and pretty much the same weight :) I did stop at 3 kids though :8855:

Its annoying as I read every post by the time I got to the end I could remember very little :giggle: I am a bear of very little brain :8855:

Hope you are having a good Sunday lovely xxxxxxxxx
I have just been for a 3 1/2 hr walk in windsor with hubby and little one up to windsor castle and then up to the horse statue and back wont mean a lot to you probably not unless any of you have been to windsor to see the Queen ha ha , but it seemed like forever never thought that walk was going to end :eek:

I had planned to go swimming this evening but I was now too knackered to go now so will have to do another night instead :)

Thats certainly my exercise for the day ;)
Pookie 1999 said:
I have just been for a 3 1/2 hr walk in windsor with hubby and little one up to windsor castle and then up to the horse statue and back wont mean a lot to you probably not unless any of you have been to windsor to see the Queen ha ha , but it seemed like forever never thought that walk was going to end :eek:

I had planned to go swimming this evening but I was now too knackered to go now so will have to do another night instead :)

Thats certainly my exercise for the day ;)

Sounds super lovely... I've toured the castle but not had tea HRH.
Happy Fraggle Day

walk sounds like great exercise hun, well done!

just pooping in to say good morning and say i'll still be at tranq's after 10pm tonight..even if everyone else has gone home! :)..see you there Pookie x
Hi Ladies how is everyone today have I got me grumpy pants back to wash yet? ;)

Just finished Zumba session No.3 of 51mins thats enough for now as I have Aqua and swimming tonight

We have rain here today and looks like its set in for the day so I think its definately a day indoors I have a mountain of washing to tackle anyway :( so thats what I'll be doing all day inbetween being on here

Have a good day everyone :)